class Sequel::Postgres::PGRow::Parser

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/pg_row.rb
Superclass: Object

The Parser is responsible for taking the input string from PostgreSQL, and returning an appropriate ruby object that the type represents, such as an ArrayRow or HashRow.


column_converters [R]

Converters for each member in the composite type. If not present, no conversion will be done, so values will remain strings. If present, should be an array of callable objects.

column_oids [R]

The OIDs for each member in the composite type. Not currently used, but made available for user code.

columns [R]

The columns for the parser, if any. If the parser has no columns, it will treat the input as an array. If it has columns, it will treat the input as a hash. If present, should be an array of strings.

converter [R]

A converter for the object as a whole. Used to wrap the returned array/hash in another object, such as an ArrayRow or HashRow. If present, should be callable.

oid [R]

The oid for the composite type itself.

typecaster [R]

A callable object used for typecasting the object. This is similar to the converter, but it is called by the typecasting code, which has different assumptions than the converter. For instance, the converter should be called with all of the member values already typecast, but the typecaster may not be.

Public Class methods


Sets each of the parser’s attributes, using options with the same name (e.g. :columns sets the columns attribute).

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_row.rb
306 def initialize(h=OPTS)
307   @columns = h[:columns]
308   @column_converters = h[:column_converters]
309   @column_oids = h[:column_oids]
310   @converter = h[:converter]
311   @typecaster = h[:typecaster]
312   @oid = h[:oid]
313 end

Public Instance methods


Convert the PostgreSQL composite type input format into an appropriate ruby object.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_row.rb
317 def call(s)
318   convert(convert_format(convert_columns(
319 end

Typecast the given object to the appropriate type using the typecaster. Note that this does not conversion for the members of the composite type, since those conversion expect strings and strings may not be provided.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_row.rb
325 def typecast(obj)
326   case obj 
327   when Array
328     _typecast(convert_format(obj))
329   when Hash
330     unless @columns
331       raise Error, 'PGRow::Parser without columns cannot typecast from a hash'
332     end
333     _typecast(obj)
334   else
335     raise Error, 'PGRow::Parser can only typecast arrays and hashes'
336   end
337 end