class Sequel::Postgres::PGRow::HashRow

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/pg_row.rb
  2. lib/sequel/extensions/pg_row_ops.rb
  3. show all
Superclass: DelegateClass(Hash)

Class for row-valued/composite types that are treated as hashes. Types registered via Database#register_row_type will use this class by default.


Included modules

  1. Sequel::SQL::AliasMethods


columns [RW]

The columns associated with this class.

db_type [RW]

The database type for this class. May be nil if this class done not have a specific database type.

columns [W]

Sets the columns associated with this instance. This is used to override the class’s default columns.

db_type [W]

Sets the database type associated with this instance. This is used to override the class’s default database type.

Public Class methods

subclass(db_type, columns)

Create a new subclass of this class with the given database type and columns.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_row.rb
172 def self.subclass(db_type, columns)
173 do
174     Sequel.set_temp_name(self){"Sequel::Postgres::PGRow::HashRow::_Subclass(#{db_type})"}
175     @db_type = db_type
176     @columns = columns
177   end
178 end

Public Instance methods


Check that the HashRow has valid columns. This should be used before all attempts to literalize the object, since literalization depends on the columns to get the column order.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_row.rb
206 def check_columns!
207   if columns.nil? || columns.empty?
208     raise Error, 'cannot literalize HashRow without columns'
209   end
210 end

Return the instance’s columns, or the class’s columns if the instance has not overridden it.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_row.rb
193 def columns
194   @columns || self.class.columns
195 end

Return the instance’s database type, or the class’s columns if the instance has not overridden it.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_row.rb
199 def db_type
200   @db_type || self.class.db_type
201 end

Wrap the PGRow::ArrayRow instance in an PGRowOp, allowing you to easily use the PostgreSQL row functions and operators with literal rows.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_row_ops.rb
180 def op
181   Sequel.pg_row_op(self)
182 end

Allow automatic parameterization if all values support it.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_row.rb
224 def sequel_auto_param_type(ds)
225   if db_type && all?{|_,v| nil == v || ds.send(:auto_param_type, v)}
226     s = << "::"
227     ds.quote_schema_table_append(s, db_type)
228     s
229   end
230 end
sql_literal_append(ds, sql)

Append SQL fragment related to this object to the sql.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_row.rb
213 def sql_literal_append(ds, sql)
214   check_columns!
215   sql << 'ROW'
216   ds.literal_append(sql, values_at(*columns))
217   if db_type
218     sql << '::'
219     ds.quote_schema_table_append(sql, db_type)
220   end
221 end