class Sequel::Postgres::Database

  1. lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
Superclass: Sequel::Database




Public Instance methods

bound_variable_arg(arg, conn)

Convert given argument so that it can be used directly by pg. Currently, pg doesn’t handle fractional seconds in Time/DateTime or blobs with “0”. Only public for use by the adapter, shouldn’t be used by external code.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
184 def bound_variable_arg(arg, conn)
185   case arg
186   when Sequel::SQL::Blob
187     {:value=>arg, :type=>17, :format=>1}
188   # :nocov:
189   # Not covered by tests as tests use pg_extended_date_support
190   # extension, which has basically the same code.
191   when Time, DateTime
192     @default_dataset.literal_date_or_time(arg)
193   # :nocov:
194   else
195     arg
196   end
197 end
call_procedure(name, *args)

Call a procedure with the given name and arguments. Returns a hash if the procedure returns a value, and nil otherwise. Example:

DB.call_procedure(:foo, 1, 2)
# CALL foo(1, 2)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
204 def call_procedure(name, *args)
205   dataset.send(:call_procedure, name, args)
206 end

Connects to the database. In addition to the standard database options, using the :encoding or :charset option changes the client encoding for the connection, :connect_timeout is a connection timeout in seconds, :sslmode sets whether postgres’s sslmode, and :notice_receiver handles server notices in a proc. :connect_timeout, :driver_options, :sslmode, and :notice_receiver are only supported if the pg driver is used.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
215 def connect(server)
216   opts = server_opts(server)
217   if USES_PG
218     connection_params = {
219       :host => opts[:host],
220       :port => opts[:port],
221       :dbname => opts[:database],
222       :user => opts[:user],
223       :password => opts[:password],
224       :connect_timeout => opts[:connect_timeout] || 20,
225       :sslmode => opts[:sslmode],
226       :sslrootcert => opts[:sslrootcert]
227     }.delete_if { |key, value| blank_object?(value) }
228     # :nocov:
229     connection_params.merge!(opts[:driver_options]) if opts[:driver_options]
230     # :nocov:
231     conn = Adapter.connect(opts[:conn_str] || connection_params)
233     conn.instance_variable_set(:@prepared_statements, {})
235     if receiver = opts[:notice_receiver]
236       conn.set_notice_receiver(&receiver)
237     end
239     # :nocov:
240     if conn.respond_to?(:type_map_for_queries=) && defined?(PG_QUERY_TYPE_MAP)
241     # :nocov:
242       conn.type_map_for_queries = PG_QUERY_TYPE_MAP
243     end
244   # :nocov:
245   else
246     unless typecast_value_boolean(@opts.fetch(:force_standard_strings, true))
247       raise Error, "Cannot create connection using postgres-pr unless force_standard_strings is set"
248     end
250     conn = Adapter.connect(
251       (opts[:host] unless blank_object?(opts[:host])),
252       opts[:port] || 5432,
253       nil, '',
254       opts[:database],
255       opts[:user],
256       opts[:password]
257     )
258   end
259   # :nocov:
261   conn.instance_variable_set(:@db, self)
263   # :nocov:
264   if encoding = opts[:encoding] || opts[:charset]
265     if conn.respond_to?(:set_client_encoding)
266       conn.set_client_encoding(encoding)
267     else
268       conn.async_exec("set client_encoding to '#{encoding}'")
269     end
270   end
271   # :nocov:
273   connection_configuration_sqls(opts).each{|sql| conn.execute(sql)}
274   conn
275 end

Always false, support was moved to pg_extended_date_support extension. Needs to stay defined here so that sequel_pg works.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
279 def convert_infinite_timestamps
280   false
281 end

Enable pg_extended_date_support extension if symbol or string is given.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
284 def convert_infinite_timestamps=(v)
285   case v
286   when Symbol, String, true
287     extension(:pg_extended_date_support)
288     self.convert_infinite_timestamps = v
289   end
290 end
copy_into(table, opts=OPTS)

copy_into uses PostgreSQL’s +COPY FROM STDIN+ SQL statement to do very fast inserts into a table using input preformatting in either CSV or PostgreSQL text format. This method is only supported if pg 0.14.0+ is the underlying ruby driver. This method should only be called if you want results returned to the client. If you are using +COPY FROM+ with a filename, you should just use run instead of this method.

The following options are respected:


The columns to insert into, with the same order as the columns in the input data. If this isn’t given, uses all columns in the table.


The data to copy to PostgreSQL, which should already be in CSV or PostgreSQL text format. This can be either a string, or any object that responds to each and yields string.


The format to use. text is the default, so this should be :csv or :binary.


An options SQL string to use, which should contain comma separated options.


The server on which to run the query.

If a block is provided and :data option is not, this will yield to the block repeatedly. The block should return a string, or nil to signal that it is finished.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
431 def copy_into(table, opts=OPTS)
432   data = opts[:data]
433   data = Array(data) if data.is_a?(String)
435   if defined?(yield) && data
436     raise Error, "Cannot provide both a :data option and a block to copy_into"
437   elsif !defined?(yield) && !data
438     raise Error, "Must provide either a :data option or a block to copy_into"
439   end
441   synchronize(opts[:server]) do |conn|
442     conn.execute(copy_into_sql(table, opts))
443     begin
444       if defined?(yield)
445         while buf = yield
446           conn.put_copy_data(buf)
447         end
448       else
449         data.each{|buff| conn.put_copy_data(buff)}
450       end
451     rescue Exception => e
452       conn.put_copy_end("ruby exception occurred while copying data into PostgreSQL")
453     ensure
454       conn.put_copy_end unless e
455       while res = conn.get_result
456         raise e if e
457         check_database_errors{res.check}
458       end
459     end
460   end 
461 end
copy_table(table, opts=OPTS)

:nocov: copy_table uses PostgreSQL’s +COPY TO STDOUT+ SQL statement to return formatted results directly to the caller. This method is only supported if pg is the underlying ruby driver. This method should only be called if you want results returned to the client. If you are using +COPY TO+ with a filename, you should just use run instead of this method.

The table argument supports the following types:


Uses the first argument directly as literal SQL. If you are using a version of PostgreSQL before 9.0, you will probably want to use a string if you are using any options at all, as the syntax Sequel uses for options is only compatible with PostgreSQL 9.0+. This should be the full COPY statement passed to PostgreSQL, not just the SELECT query. If a string is given, the :format and :options options are ignored.


Uses a query instead of a table name when copying.


Uses a table name (usually a symbol) when copying.

The following options are respected:


The format to use. text is the default, so this should be :csv or :binary.


An options SQL string to use, which should contain comma separated options.


The server on which to run the query.

If a block is provided, the method continually yields to the block, one yield per row. If a block is not provided, a single string is returned with all of the data.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
381 def copy_table(table, opts=OPTS)
382   synchronize(opts[:server]) do |conn|
383     conn.execute(copy_table_sql(table, opts))
384     begin
385       if defined?(yield)
386         while buf = conn.get_copy_data
387           yield buf
388         end
389         b = nil
390       else
391         b =
392         b << buf while buf = conn.get_copy_data
393       end
395       res = conn.get_last_result
396       if !res || res.result_status != 1
397         raise PG::NotAllCopyDataRetrieved, "Not all COPY data retrieved"
398       end
400       b
401     rescue => e
402       raise_error(e, :disconnect=>true)
403     ensure
404       if buf && !e
405         raise DatabaseDisconnectError, "disconnecting as a partial COPY may leave the connection in an unusable state"
406       end
407     end
408   end 
409 end
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
292 def disconnect_connection(conn)
293   conn.finish
294 rescue PGError, IOError
295   nil
296 end

:nocov: Return a hash of information about the related PGError (or Sequel::DatabaseError that wraps a PGError), with the following entries (any of which may be nil):


The schema name related to the error


The table name related to the error


the column name related to the error


The constraint name related to the error


The datatype name related to the error


The severity of the error (e.g. “ERROR”)


The SQL state code related to the error


A single line message related to the error


Any detail supplementing the primary message


Possible suggestion about how to fix the problem


Character offset in statement submitted by client where error occurred (starting at 1)


Character offset in internal statement where error occurred (starting at 1)


Text of internally-generated statement where error occurred


PostgreSQL source file where the error occurred


Line number of PostgreSQL source file where the error occurred


Function in PostgreSQL source file where the error occurred

This requires a PostgreSQL 9.3+ server and 9.3+ client library, and ruby-pg 0.16.0+ to be supported.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
323 def error_info(e)
324   e = e.wrapped_exception if e.is_a?(DatabaseError)
325   r = e.result
326   {
327     :schema => r.error_field(::PG::PG_DIAG_SCHEMA_NAME),
328     :table => r.error_field(::PG::PG_DIAG_TABLE_NAME),
329     :column => r.error_field(::PG::PG_DIAG_COLUMN_NAME),
330     :constraint => r.error_field(::PG::PG_DIAG_CONSTRAINT_NAME),
331     :type => r.error_field(::PG::PG_DIAG_DATATYPE_NAME),
332     :severity => r.error_field(::PG::PG_DIAG_SEVERITY),
333     :sql_state => r.error_field(::PG::PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE),
334     :message_primary => r.error_field(::PG::PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_PRIMARY),
335     :message_detail => r.error_field(::PG::PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_DETAIL),
336     :message_hint => r.error_field(::PG::PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_HINT),
337     :statement_position => r.error_field(::PG::PG_DIAG_STATEMENT_POSITION),
338     :internal_position => r.error_field(::PG::PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_POSITION),
339     :internal_query => r.error_field(::PG::PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_QUERY),
340     :source_file => r.error_field(::PG::PG_DIAG_SOURCE_FILE),
341     :source_line => r.error_field(::PG::PG_DIAG_SOURCE_LINE),
342     :source_function => r.error_field(::PG::PG_DIAG_SOURCE_FUNCTION)
343   }
344 end
execute(sql, opts=OPTS, &block)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
347 def execute(sql, opts=OPTS, &block)
348   synchronize(opts[:server]){|conn| check_database_errors{_execute(conn, sql, opts, &block)}}
349 end
listen(channels, opts=OPTS, &block)

Listens on the given channel (or multiple channels if channel is an array), waiting for notifications. After a notification is received, or the timeout has passed, stops listening to the channel. Options:


An object that responds to call that is called with the underlying connection after the LISTEN statement is sent, but before the connection starts waiting for notifications.


Whether to continually wait for notifications, instead of just waiting for a single notification. If this option is given, a block must be provided. If this object responds to call, it is called with the underlying connection after each notification is received (after the block is called). If a :timeout option is used, and a callable object is given, the object will also be called if the timeout expires. If :loop is used and you want to stop listening, you can either break from inside the block given to listen, or you can throw :stop from inside the :loop object’s call method or the block.


The server on which to listen, if the sharding support is being used.


How long to wait for a notification, in seconds (can provide a float value for fractional seconds). If this object responds to call, it will be called and should return the number of seconds to wait. If the loop option is also specified, the object will be called on each iteration to obtain a new timeout value. If not given or nil, waits indefinitely.

This method is only supported if pg is used as the underlying ruby driver. It returns the channel the notification was sent to (as a string), unless :loop was used, in which case it returns nil. If a block is given, it is yielded 3 arguments:

  • the channel the notification was sent to (as a string)

  • the backend pid of the notifier (as an integer),

  • and the payload of the notification (as a string or nil).

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
486 def listen(channels, opts=OPTS, &block)
487   check_database_errors do
488     synchronize(opts[:server]) do |conn|
489       begin
490         channels = Array(channels)
491         channels.each do |channel|
492           sql = "LISTEN ".dup
493           dataset.send(:identifier_append, sql, channel)
494           conn.execute(sql)
495         end
496         opts[:after_listen].call(conn) if opts[:after_listen]
497         timeout = opts[:timeout]
498         if timeout
499           timeout_block = timeout.respond_to?(:call) ? timeout : proc{timeout}
500         end
502         if l = opts[:loop]
503           raise Error, 'calling #listen with :loop requires a block' unless block
504           loop_call = l.respond_to?(:call)
505           catch(:stop) do
506             while true
507               t = timeout_block ? [] : []
508               conn.wait_for_notify(*t, &block)
509      if loop_call
510             end
511           end
512           nil
513         else
514           t = timeout_block ? [] : []
515           conn.wait_for_notify(*t, &block)
516         end
517       ensure
518         conn.execute("UNLISTEN *")
519       end
520     end
521   end
522 end