class Sequel::Postgres::Dataset

  1. lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
Superclass: Dataset


BindArgumentMethods = prepared_statements_module(:bind, [ArgumentMapper], %w'execute execute_dui')  


PreparedStatementMethods = prepared_statements_module(:prepare, BindArgumentMethods, %w'execute execute_dui')  

Public Instance methods

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
738 def bound_variable_modules
739   [BindArgumentMethods]
740 end
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
649 def fetch_rows(sql)
650   return cursor_fetch_rows(sql){|h| yield h} if @opts[:cursor]
651   execute(sql){|res| yield_hash_rows(res, fetch_rows_set_cols(res)){|h| yield h}}
652 end
paged_each(opts=OPTS, &block)

Use a cursor for paging.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
655 def paged_each(opts=OPTS, &block)
656   unless defined?(yield)
657     return enum_for(:paged_each, opts)
658   end
659   use_cursor(opts).each(&block)
660 end

PostgreSQL uses $N for placeholders instead of ?, so use a $ as the placeholder.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
748 def prepared_arg_placeholder
750 end
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
742 def prepared_statement_modules
743   [PreparedStatementMethods]
744 end

Uses a cursor for fetching records, instead of fetching the entire result set at once. Note this uses a transaction around the cursor usage by default and can be changed using ‘hold: true` as described below. Cursors can be used to process large datasets without holding all rows in memory (which is what the underlying drivers may do by default). Options:


The name assigned to the cursor (default ‘sequel_cursor’). Nested cursors require different names.


Declare the cursor WITH HOLD and don’t use transaction around the cursor usage.


The number of rows per fetch (default 1000). Higher numbers result in fewer queries but greater memory use.


Same as :hold, but :hold takes priority.


DB[:huge_table].use_cursor.each{|row| p row}
DB[:huge_table].use_cursor(rows_per_fetch: 10000).each{|row| p row}
DB[:huge_table].use_cursor(cursor_name: 'my_cursor').each{|row| p row}

This is untested with the prepared statement/bound variable support, and unlikely to work with either.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
685 def use_cursor(opts=OPTS)
686   clone(:cursor=>{:rows_per_fetch=>1000}.merge!(opts))
687 end

Replace the WHERE clause with one that uses CURRENT OF with the given cursor name (or the default cursor name). This allows you to update a large dataset by updating individual rows while processing the dataset via a cursor:

DB[:huge_table].use_cursor(rows_per_fetch: 1).each do |row|
  DB[:huge_table].where_current_of.update(column: ruby_method(row))
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/postgres.rb
697 def where_current_of(cursor_name='sequel_cursor')
698   clone(:where=>Sequel.lit(['CURRENT OF '], Sequel.identifier(cursor_name)))
699 end