class Sequel::Model::Associations::ManyToOneAssociationReflection

  1. lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
Superclass: AssociationReflection


FINALIZE_SETTINGS = superclass::FINALIZE_SETTINGS.merge( :primary_key=>:primary_key, :primary_keys=>:primary_keys, :primary_key_method=>:primary_key_method, :primary_key_methods=>:primary_key_methods, :qualified_primary_key=>:qualified_primary_key, :reciprocal_type=>:reciprocal_type ).freeze  

Public Instance Aliases

associated_object_keys -> primary_keys

Public Instance methods


many_to_one associations can only have associated objects if none of the :keys options have a nil value.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
844 def can_have_associated_objects?(obj)
845   !self[:keys].any?{|k| obj.get_column_value(k).nil?}
846 end

Whether the dataset needs a primary key to function, false for many_to_one associations.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
849 def dataset_need_primary_key?
850   false
851 end

Default foreign key name symbol for foreign key in current model’s table that points to the given association’s table’s primary key.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
855 def default_key
856   :"#{self[:name]}_id"
857 end

Whether to eagerly graph a lazy dataset, true for many_to_one associations only if the key is nil.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
861 def eager_graph_lazy_dataset?
862   self[:key].nil?
863 end

many_to_one associations don’t need an eager_graph limit strategy

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
866 def eager_graph_limit_strategy(_)
867   nil
868 end

many_to_one associations don’t need an eager limit strategy

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
871 def eager_limit_strategy
872   nil
873 end

many_to_one associations don’t need a filter by associations limit strategy

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
876 def filter_by_associations_limit_strategy
877   nil
878 end
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
888 def finalize_settings
890 end

The expression to use on the left hand side of the IN lookup when eager loading

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
893 def predicate_key
894   cached_fetch(:predicate_key){qualified_primary_key}
895 end

The column(s) in the associated table that the key in the current table references (either a symbol or an array).

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
898 def primary_key
899  cached_fetch(:primary_key){associated_class.primary_key || raise(Error, "no primary key specified for #{associated_class.inspect}")}
900 end

The method symbol or array of method symbols to call on the associated object to get the value to use for the foreign keys.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
910 def primary_key_method
911  cached_fetch(:primary_key_method){primary_key}
912 end

The array of method symbols to call on the associated object to get the value to use for the foreign keys.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
916 def primary_key_methods
917  cached_fetch(:primary_key_methods){Array(primary_key_method)}
918 end

The columns in the associated table that the key in the current table references (always an array).

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
903 def primary_keys
904  cached_fetch(:primary_keys){Array(primary_key)}
905 end

primary_key qualified by the associated table

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
921 def qualified_primary_key
922   cached_fetch(:qualified_primary_key){self[:qualify] == false ? primary_key : qualify_assoc(primary_key)}
923 end

True only if the reciprocal is a one_to_many association.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
926 def reciprocal_array?
927   !set_reciprocal_to_self?
928 end

Whether this association returns an array of objects instead of a single object, false for a many_to_one association.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
932 def returns_array?
933   false
934 end

True only if the reciprocal is a one_to_one association.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
937 def set_reciprocal_to_self?
938   reciprocal
939   reciprocal_type == :one_to_one
940 end