module Sequel::Postgres::AutoParameterize::DatasetMethods

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/pg_auto_parameterize.rb

Public Instance methods

cast_sql_append(sql, expr, type)

Do not add implicit typecasts for directly typecasted values, since the user is presumably doing so to set the type, not convert from the implicitly typecasted type.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_auto_parameterize.rb
258 def cast_sql_append(sql, expr, type)
259   if auto_param?(sql) && auto_param_type(expr)
260     sql << 'CAST('
261     sql.add_arg(expr)
262     sql << ' AS ' << db.cast_type_literal(type).to_s << ')'
263   else
264     super
265   end
266 end
complex_expression_sql_append(sql, op, args)

Transform column IN (int, …) expressions into column = ANY($) and column NOT IN (int, …) expressions into column != ALL($) using an integer array bound variable for the ANY/ALL argument. This is the same optimization PostgreSQL performs internally, but this reduces the number of bound variables.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_auto_parameterize.rb
273 def complex_expression_sql_append(sql, op, args)
274   case op
275   when :IN, :"NOT IN"
276     l, r = args
277     if auto_param?(sql) && !l.is_a?(Array) && _integer_array?(r) && r.size > 1
278       if op == :IN 
279         op = :"="
280         func = :ANY
281       else
282         op = :!=
283         func = :ALL
284       end
285       args = [l, Sequel.function(func, Sequel.cast(_integer_array_auto_param(r), 'int8[]'))]
286     end
287   end
289   super
290 end
literal_append(sql, v)

For strings, numeric arguments, and date/time arguments, add them as parameters to the query instead of literalizing them into the SQL.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_auto_parameterize.rb
304 def literal_append(sql, v)
305   if auto_param?(sql) && (type = auto_param_type(v))
306     sql.add_arg(v) << type
307   else
308     super
309   end
310 end
multi_insert_sql(columns, values)

Parameterize insertion of multiple values

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_auto_parameterize.rb
293 def multi_insert_sql(columns, values)
294   if @opts[:no_auto_parameterize]
295     super
296   else
297     [clone(:multi_insert_values=>{|r| Array(r)}).insert_sql(columns,'VALUES '))]
298   end
299 end

Return a clone of the dataset that will not do automatic parameterization.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_auto_parameterize.rb
249 def no_auto_parameterize
250   cached_dataset(:_no_auto_parameterize_ds) do
251     @opts[:no_auto_parameterize] ? self : clone(:no_auto_parameterize=>true)
252   end
253 end

The class to use for placeholder literalizers.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_auto_parameterize.rb
313 def placeholder_literalizer_class
314   if @opts[:no_auto_parameterize]
315     super
316   else
317     PlaceholderLiteralizer
318   end
319 end

Disable automatic parameterization when using a cursor.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_auto_parameterize.rb
322 def use_cursor(*)
323   super.no_auto_parameterize
324 end

Store receiving dataset and args when with_sql is used with a method name symbol, so sql can be parameterized correctly if used as a subselect.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_auto_parameterize.rb
328 def with_sql(*a)
329   ds = super 
330   if Symbol === a[0]
331     ds = ds.clone(:with_sql_dataset=>self, :with_sql_args=>a.freeze)
332   end
333   ds
334 end

Protected Instance methods


Disable automatic parameterization for prepared statements, since they will use manual parameterization.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_auto_parameterize.rb
340 def to_prepared_statement(*a)
341   @opts[:no_auto_parameterize] ? super : no_auto_parameterize.to_prepared_statement(*a)
342 end