module Sequel::Plugins::UnusedAssociations::ClassMethods

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/unused_associations.rb

Public Instance methods

associate(type, assoc_name, opts=OPTS)

If modifying associations, and this association is marked as not used, and the association does not include the specific :is_used option, skip defining the association.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/unused_associations.rb
284 def associate(type, assoc_name, opts=OPTS)
285   if !opts[:is_used] && @unused_associations_data && (data = @unused_associations_data[name]) && data[assoc_name.to_s] == 'unused'
286     return
287   end
289   super
290 end

Record access to association reflections to determine which associations are not used.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/unused_associations.rb
275 def association_reflection(association)
276   uar = used_association_reflections
277   Sequel.synchronize{uar[association] ||= true}
278   super
279 end

Delete the unused associations coverage file and unused associations data file, if either exist.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/unused_associations.rb
461 def delete_unused_associations_files
462   _delete_unused_associations_file(@unused_associations_coverage_file)
463   _delete_unused_associations_file(@unused_associations_file)
464 end

Setup the used_association_reflections storage before freezing

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/unused_associations.rb
293 def freeze
294   used_association_reflections
295   super
296 end

Return an array of unused association options. These are associations some but not all of the association methods are used, according to the coverage information. Each entry in the array is an array of three elements. The first element is the class name string, the second element is the association name string, and the third element is a hash of association options that can be used in the association so it does not define methods that are not used.



The data to use for determining which associations are unused, which is returned from update_unused_associations_data. If not given, loads the data from the file specified by the :file plugin option.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/unused_associations.rb
445 def unused_association_options(opts=OPTS)
446   unused_associations_data = opts[:unused_associations_data] || Sequel.parse_json(File.binread(@unused_associations_file))
448   unused_association_methods = []
449   unused_associations_data.each do |sc, associations|
450     associations.each do |assoc, unused|
451       unless unused == 'unused'
452         unused_association_methods << [sc, assoc, set_unused_options_for_association({}, unused)]
453       end
454     end
455   end
456   unused_association_methods
457 end

Return an array of unused associations. These are associations where none of the association methods are used, according to the coverage information. Each entry in the array is an array of two strings, with the first string being the class name and the second string being the association name.



The data to use for determining which associations are unused, which is returned from update_unused_associations_data. If not given, loads the data from the file specified by the :file plugin option.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/unused_associations.rb
418 def unused_associations(opts=OPTS)
419   unused_associations_data = opts[:unused_associations_data] || Sequel.parse_json(File.binread(@unused_associations_file))
421   unused_associations = []
422   unused_associations_data.each do |sc, associations|
423     associations.each do |assoc, unused|
424       if unused == 'unused'
425         unused_associations << [sc, assoc]
426       end
427     end
428   end
429   unused_associations
430 end

Parse the coverage result, and return the coverage data for the associations for descendants of this class. If the plugin uses the :coverage_file option, the existing coverage file will be loaded if present, and before the method returns, the coverage file will be updated.



The coverage result to use. This defaults to Coverage.result.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/unused_associations.rb
305 def update_associations_coverage(opts=OPTS)
306   coverage_result = opts[:coverage_result] || Coverage.result
307   module_mapping = {}
308   file = @unused_associations_coverage_file
310   coverage_data = if file && File.file?(file)
311     Sequel.parse_json(File.binread(file))
312   else
313     {}
314   end
316   ([self] + descendants).each do |sc|
317     next if sc.associations.empty? || !
318     module_mapping[sc.send(:overridable_methods_module)] = sc
319     cov_data = coverage_data[] ||= {''=>[]}
320     cov_data[''].concat(!
321   end
323   coverage_result.each do |file, coverage|
324     coverage[:methods].each do |(mod, meth), times|
325       next unless sc = module_mapping[mod]
326       coverage_data[][meth.to_s] ||= 0
327       coverage_data[][meth.to_s] += times
328     end
329   end
331   if file
332     File.binwrite(file, Sequel.object_to_json(coverage_data))
333   end
335   coverage_data
336 end

Parse the coverage data returned by update_associations_coverage, and return data on unused associations and unused association methods.



The coverage data to use. If not given, it is taken from the file specified by the :coverage_file plugin option.


Do not delete the file specified by the :coverage_file plugin option, even if it exists.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/unused_associations.rb
346 def update_unused_associations_data(options=OPTS)
347   coverage_data = options[:coverage_data] || Sequel.parse_json(File.binread(@unused_associations_coverage_file))
349   unused_associations_data = {}
351   ([self] + descendants).each do |sc|
352     next unless cov_data = coverage_data[]
353     reflection_data = cov_data[''] || []
355     sc.association_reflections.each do |assoc, ref|
356       # Only report associations for the class they are defined in
357       next unless ref[:model] == sc
359       # Do not report associations using methods_module option, because this plugin only
360       # looks in the class's overridable_methods_module
361       next if ref[:methods_module]
363       info = {}
364       if reflection_data.include?(assoc.to_s)
365         info[:used] = [:reflection]
366       end
368       _update_association_coverage_info(info, cov_data, ref.dataset_method, :dataset_method)
369       _update_association_coverage_info(info, cov_data, ref.association_method, :association_method)
371       unless ref[:orig_opts][:read_only]
372         if ref.returns_array?
373           _update_association_coverage_info(info, cov_data, ref[:add_method], :adder)
374           _update_association_coverage_info(info, cov_data, ref[:remove_method], :remover)
375           _update_association_coverage_info(info, cov_data, ref[:remove_all_method], :clearer)
376         else
377           _update_association_coverage_info(info, cov_data, ref[:setter_method], :setter)
378         end
379       end
381       next if info.keys == [:missing]
383       if !info[:used]
384         (unused_associations_data[] ||= {})[assoc.to_s] = 'unused'
385       elsif unused = info[:unused]
386         if unused.include?(:setter) || [:adder, :remover, :clearer].all?{|k| unused.include?(k)}
387           [:setter, :adder, :remover, :clearer].each do |k|
388             unused.delete(k)
389           end
390           unused << :read_only
391         end
392         (unused_associations_data[] ||= {})[assoc.to_s] =
393       end
394     end
395   end
397   if @unused_associations_file
398     File.binwrite(@unused_associations_file, Sequel.object_to_json(unused_associations_data))
399   end
400   unless options[:keep_coverage]
401     _delete_unused_associations_file(@unused_associations_coverage_file)
402   end
404   unused_associations_data
405 end

Synchronize access to the used association reflections.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/unused_associations.rb
270 def used_association_reflections
271   Sequel.synchronize{@used_association_reflections ||= {}}
272 end