module Sequel::EvalInspect

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/eval_inspect.rb


Public Instance

  1. eval_inspect

Public Instance methods


Special case objects where inspect does not generally produce input suitable for eval. Used by Sequel::SQL::Expression#inspect so that it can produce a string suitable for eval even if components of the expression have inspect methods that do not produce strings suitable for eval.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/extensions/eval_inspect.rb
27 def eval_inspect(obj)
28   case obj
29   when BigDecimal
30     "Kernel::BigDecimal(#{obj.to_s.inspect})"
31   when Sequel::SQL::Blob, Sequel::LiteralString
32     "#{obj.class}.new(#{obj.to_s.inspect})"
33   when Sequel::SQL::ValueList
34     "#{obj.class}.new(#{obj.to_a.inspect})"
35   when Array
36     "[#{{|o| eval_inspect(o)}.join(', ')}]"
37   when Hash
38     "{#{{|k, v| "#{eval_inspect(k)} => #{eval_inspect(v)}"}.join(', ')}}"
39   when Time
40     datepart = "%Y-%m-%dT" unless obj.is_a?(Sequel::SQLTime)
41     "#{obj.class}.parse(#{obj.strftime("#{datepart}%T.%N%z").inspect})#{'.utc' if obj.utc?}"
42   when DateTime
43     # Ignore date of calendar reform
44     "DateTime.parse(#{obj.strftime('%FT%T.%N%z').inspect})"
45   when Date
46     # Ignore offset and date of calendar reform
47     "{obj.year}, #{obj.month}, #{})"
48   else
49     obj.inspect
50   end
51 end