class Sequel::SQL::Expression

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/eval_inspect.rb
Superclass: Object


Public Instance

  1. inspect

Public Instance methods


Attempt to produce a string suitable for eval, such that:

eval(obj.inspect) == obj
[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/extensions/eval_inspect.rb
63 def inspect
64   # Assume by default that the object can be recreated by calling
65   # with any attr_reader values defined on the class,
66   # in the order they were defined.
67   klass = self.class
68   args = do |arg|
69     if arg.is_a?(String) && arg =~ /\A\*/
70       # Special case string arguments starting with *, indicating that
71       # they should return an array to be splatted as the remaining arguments.
72       # Allow calling private methods to get inspect output.
73       send(arg.sub('*', '')).map{|a| Sequel.eval_inspect(a)}.join(', ')
74     else
75       # Allow calling private methods to get inspect output.
76       Sequel.eval_inspect(send(arg))
77     end
78   end
79   "#{klass}.#{inspect_new_method}(#{args.join(', ')})"
80 end