class Sequel::Postgres::JSONBOp

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
Superclass: JSONBaseOp

JSONBaseOp subclass for the jsonb type.

In the method documentation examples, assume that:

jsonb_op = Sequel.pg_jsonb(:jsonb)


CONCAT = ["(".freeze, " || ".freeze, ")".freeze].freeze  
CONTAINED_BY = ["(".freeze, " <@ ".freeze, ")".freeze].freeze  
CONTAINS = ["(".freeze, " @> ".freeze, ")".freeze].freeze  
CONTAIN_ALL = ["(".freeze, " ?& ".freeze, ")".freeze].freeze  
CONTAIN_ANY = ["(".freeze, " ?| ".freeze, ")".freeze].freeze  
DELETE_PATH = ["(".freeze, " #- ".freeze, ")".freeze].freeze  
HAS_KEY = ["(".freeze, " ? ".freeze, ")".freeze].freeze  
PATH_EXISTS = ["(".freeze, " @? ".freeze, ")".freeze].freeze  
PATH_MATCH = ["(".freeze, " @@ ".freeze, ")".freeze].freeze  

Public Instance Aliases

include? -> has_key?

Public Instance methods


jsonb expression for deletion of the given argument from the current jsonb.

jsonb_op - "a" # (jsonb - 'a')
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
422 def -(other)
424 end

Support subscript syntax for JSONB.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
401 def [](key)
402   if is_array?(key)
403     super
404   else
405     case @value
406     when Symbol, SQL::Identifier, SQL::QualifiedIdentifier, JSONBSubscriptOp
407       # Only use subscripts for identifiers.  In other cases, switching from
408       # the -> operator to [] for subscripts causes SQL syntax issues.  You
409       # only need the [] for subscripting when doing assignment, and
410       # assignment is generally done on identifiers.
411, key))
412     else
413       super
414     end
415   end
416 end

jsonb expression for concatenation of the given jsonb into the current jsonb.

jsonb_op.concat(:h) # (jsonb || h)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
430 def concat(other)
431   json_op(CONCAT, wrap_input_jsonb(other))
432 end

Check if the receiver contains all of the keys in the given array:

jsonb_op.contain_all(:a) # (jsonb ?& a)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
437 def contain_all(other)
438   bool_op(CONTAIN_ALL, wrap_input_array(other))
439 end

Check if the receiver contains any of the keys in the given array:

jsonb_op.contain_any(:a) # (jsonb ?| a)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
444 def contain_any(other)
445   bool_op(CONTAIN_ANY, wrap_input_array(other))
446 end

Check if the other jsonb contains all entries in the receiver:

jsonb_op.contained_by(:h) # (jsonb <@ h)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
458 def contained_by(other)
459   bool_op(CONTAINED_BY, wrap_input_jsonb(other))
460 end

Check if the receiver contains all entries in the other jsonb:

jsonb_op.contains(:h) # (jsonb @> h)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
451 def contains(other)
452   bool_op(CONTAINS, wrap_input_jsonb(other))
453 end

Removes the given path from the receiver.

jsonb_op.delete_path(:h) # (jsonb #- h)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
465 def delete_path(other)
466   json_op(DELETE_PATH, wrap_input_array(other))
467 end

Check if the receiver contains the given key:

jsonb_op.has_key?('a') # (jsonb ? 'a')
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
472 def has_key?(key)
473   bool_op(HAS_KEY, key)
474 end
insert(path, other, insert_after=false)

Inserts the given jsonb value at the given path in the receiver. The default is to insert the value before the given path, but insert_after can be set to true to insert it after the given path.

jsonb_op.insert(['a', 'b'], h) # jsonb_insert(jsonb, ARRAY['a', 'b'], h, false)
jsonb_op.insert(['a', 'b'], h, true) # jsonb_insert(jsonb, ARRAY['a', 'b'], h, true)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
483 def insert(path, other, insert_after=false)
484, wrap_input_array(path), wrap_input_jsonb(other), insert_after))
485 end

Returns whether the JSON path returns any item for the json object.

json_op.path_exists("$.foo") # (json @? '$.foo')
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
490 def path_exists(path)
491   bool_op(PATH_EXISTS, path)
492 end
path_exists!(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)

Returns whether the JSON path returns any item for the json object.

# jsonb_path_exists(json, '$.foo')

json_op.path_exists!("$.foo ? ($ > $x)", x: 2)
# jsonb_path_exists(json, '$.foo ? ($ > $x)', '{"x":2}')

json_op.path_exists!("$.foo ? ($ > $x)", {x: 2}, true)
# jsonb_path_exists(json, '$.foo ? ($ > $x)', '{"x":2}', true)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
504 def path_exists!(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)
505, _path_function(:jsonb_path_exists, path, vars, silent))
506 end
path_exists_tz!(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)

The same as path_exists!, except that timezone-aware conversions are used for date/time values.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
509 def path_exists_tz!(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)
510, _path_function(:jsonb_path_exists_tz, path, vars, silent))
511 end

Returns the first item of the result of JSON path predicate check for the json object. Returns nil if the first item is not true or false.

json_op.path_match("$.foo") # (json @@ '$.foo')
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
517 def path_match(path)
518   bool_op(PATH_MATCH, path)
519 end
path_match!(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)

Returns the first item of the result of JSON path predicate check for the json object. Returns nil if the first item is not true or false and silent is true.

# jsonb_path_match(json, '$.foo')

json_op.path_match!("$.foo ? ($ > $x)", x: 2)
# jsonb_path_match(json, '$.foo ? ($ > $x)', '{"x":2}')

json_op.path_match!("$.foo ? ($ > $x)", {x: 2}, true)
# jsonb_path_match(json, '$.foo ? ($ > $x)', '{"x":2}', true)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
532 def path_match!(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)
533, _path_function(:jsonb_path_match, path, vars, silent))
534 end
path_match_tz!(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)

The same as path_match!, except that timezone-aware conversions are used for date/time values.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
537 def path_match_tz!(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)
538, _path_function(:jsonb_path_match_tz, path, vars, silent))
539 end
path_query(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)

Returns a set of all jsonb values specified by the JSON path for the json object.

# jsonb_path_query(json, '$.foo')

json_op.path_query("$.foo ? ($ > $x)", x: 2)
# jsonb_path_query(json, '$.foo ? ($ > $x)', '{"x":2}')

json_op.path_query("$.foo ? ($ > $x)", {x: 2}, true)
# jsonb_path_query(json, '$.foo ? ($ > $x)', '{"x":2}', true)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
552 def path_query(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)
553   _path_function(:jsonb_path_query, path, vars, silent)
554 end
path_query_array(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)

Returns a jsonb array of all values specified by the JSON path for the json object.

# jsonb_path_query_array(json, '$.foo')

json_op.path_query_array("$.foo ? ($ > $x)", x: 2)
# jsonb_path_query_array(json, '$.foo ? ($ > $x)', '{"x":2}')

json_op.path_query_array("$.foo ? ($ > $x)", {x: 2}, true)
# jsonb_path_query_array(json, '$.foo ? ($ > $x)', '{"x":2}', true)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
572 def path_query_array(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)
573, path, vars, silent))
574 end
path_query_array_tz(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)

The same as path_query_array, except that timezone-aware conversions are used for date/time values.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
577 def path_query_array_tz(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)
578, path, vars, silent))
579 end
path_query_first(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)

Returns the first item of the result specified by the JSON path for the json object.

# jsonb_path_query_first(json, '$.foo')

json_op.path_query_first("$.foo ? ($ > $x)", x: 2)
# jsonb_path_query_first(json, '$.foo ? ($ > $x)', '{"x":2}')

json_op.path_query_first("$.foo ? ($ > $x)", {x: 2}, true)
# jsonb_path_query_first(json, '$.foo ? ($ > $x)', '{"x":2}', true)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
592 def path_query_first(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)
593, path, vars, silent))
594 end
path_query_first_tz(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)

The same as path_query_first, except that timezone-aware conversions are used for date/time values.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
597 def path_query_first_tz(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)
598, path, vars, silent))
599 end
path_query_tz(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)

The same as path_query, except that timezone-aware conversions are used for date/time values.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
557 def path_query_tz(path, vars=nil, silent=nil)
558   _path_function(:jsonb_path_query_tz, path, vars, silent)
559 end

Return the receiver, since it is already a JSONBOp.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
602 def pg_jsonb
603   self
604 end

Return a pretty printed version of the receiver as a string expression.

jsonb_op.pretty # jsonb_pretty(jsonb)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
609 def pretty
610, function(:pretty))
611 end
set(path, other, create_missing=true)

Set the given jsonb value at the given path in the receiver. By default, this will create the value if it does not exist, but create_missing can be set to false to not create a new value.

jsonb_op.set(['a', 'b'], h) # jsonb_set(jsonb, ARRAY['a', 'b'], h, true)
jsonb_op.set(['a', 'b'], h, false) # jsonb_set(jsonb, ARRAY['a', 'b'], h, false)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
619 def set(path, other, create_missing=true)
620, wrap_input_array(path), wrap_input_jsonb(other), create_missing))
621 end
set_lax(path, other, create_missing=true, null_value_treatment='use_json_null')

The same as set, except if other is nil, then behaves according to null_value_treatment, which can be one of ‘raise_exception’, ‘use_json_null’ (default), ‘delete_key’, or ‘return_target’.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
625 def set_lax(path, other, create_missing=true, null_value_treatment='use_json_null')
626, wrap_input_array(path), wrap_input_jsonb(other), create_missing, null_value_treatment))
627 end