module Sequel::Plugins::Sharding::DatasetMethods

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/sharding.rb


Public Instance

  1. row_proc

Public Instance methods


If a row proc exists on the dataset, replace it with one that calls the previous row_proc, but calls set_server on the output of that row_proc, ensuring that objects retrieved by a specific shard know which shard they are tied to.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/sharding.rb
110 def row_proc
111   rp = super
112   if rp
113     case server = db.pool.send(:pick_server, opts[:server])
114     when nil, :default, :read_only
115       # nothing
116     else
117       old_rp = rp
118       rp = proc{|r|}
119     end
120   end
121   rp 
122 end