module Sequel::Plugins::PgArrayAssociations::ClassMethods

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/pg_array_associations.rb


Public Instance

  1. many_to_pg_array
  2. pg_array_to_many

Public Instance methods

many_to_pg_array(name, opts=OPTS, &block)

Create a many_to_pg_array association, for the case where the associated table contains the array with foreign keys pointing to the current table. See associate for options.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/pg_array_associations.rb
309 def many_to_pg_array(name, opts=OPTS, &block)
310   associate(:many_to_pg_array, name, opts, &block)
311 end
pg_array_to_many(name, opts=OPTS, &block)

Create a pg_array_to_many association, for the case where the current table contains the array with foreign keys pointing to the associated table. See associate for options.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/pg_array_associations.rb
316 def pg_array_to_many(name, opts=OPTS, &block)
317   associate(:pg_array_to_many, name, opts, &block)
318 end