module Database::SQLComments

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/sql_comments.rb


Public Class

  1. extended

Public Instance

  1. comment_hashes
  2. with_comments


comment_hashes [R]

A map of threads to comment hashes, used for correctly setting comments for all queries inside with_comments blocks.

Public Class methods

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/sql_comments.rb
143 def self.extended(db)
144   db.instance_variable_set(:@comment_hashes, {})
145   db.extend_datasets DatasetSQLComments
146 end

Public Instance methods


Store the comment hash and use it to create comments inside the block

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/sql_comments.rb
153 def with_comments(comment_hash)
154   hashes = @comment_hashes
155   t = Sequel.current
156   new_hash = if hash = Sequel.synchronize{hashes[t]}
157     hash.merge(comment_hash)
158   else
159     comment_hash.dup
160   end
161   yield Sequel.synchronize{hashes[t] = new_hash}
162 ensure
163   if hash
164     Sequel.synchronize{hashes[t] = hash}
165   else
166     t && Sequel.synchronize{hashes.delete(t)}
167   end
168 end