class Sequel::Mock::Database

  1. lib/sequel/adapters/mock.rb
Superclass: Sequel::Database

Public Instance Aliases

execute_ddl -> execute


columns [W]

Set the columns to set in the dataset when the dataset fetches rows. Argument types supported:


Set no columns

Array of Symbols

Used for all datasets

Array (otherwise)

First retrieval gets the first value in the array, second gets the second value, etc.


Called with the select SQL query, uses the value returned, which should be an array of symbols

fetch [W]

Set the hashes to yield by execute when retrieving rows. Argument types supported:


Yield no rows


Always yield a single row with this hash

Array of Hashes

Yield separately for each hash in this array

Array (otherwise)

First retrieval gets the first value in the array, second gets the second value, etc.


Called with the select SQL query, uses the value returned, which should be a hash or array of hashes.


Should be an Exception subclass, will create a new instance an raise it wrapped in a DatabaseError.

numrows [W]

Set the number of rows to return from update or delete. Argument types supported:


Return 0 for all updates and deletes


Used for all updates and deletes


First update/delete gets the first value in the array, second gets the second value, etc.


Called with the update/delete SQL query, uses the value returned.


Should be an Exception subclass, will create a new instance an raise it wrapped in a DatabaseError.

server_version [RW]

Mock the server version, useful when using the shared adapters

Public Instance methods


Set the autogenerated primary key integer to be returned when running an insert query. Argument types supported:


Return nil for all inserts


Starting integer for next insert, with futher inserts getting an incremented value


First insert gets the first value in the array, second gets the second value, etc.


Called with the insert SQL query, uses the value returned


Should be an Exception subclass, will create a new instance an raise it wrapped in a DatabaseError.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/mock.rb
49 def autoid=(v)
50   @autoid = case v
51   when Integer
52     i = v - 1
53     proc{@mutex.synchronize{i+=1}}
54   else
55     v
56   end
57 end

Return a related Connection option connecting to the given shard.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/mock.rb
101 def connect(server)
102, server, server_opts(server))
103 end
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/mock.rb
105 def disconnect_connection(c)
106 end
execute(sql, opts=OPTS, &block)

Store the sql used for later retrieval with sqls, and return the appropriate value using either the autoid, fetch, or numrows methods.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/mock.rb
111 def execute(sql, opts=OPTS, &block)
112   synchronize(opts[:server]){|c| _execute(c, sql, opts, &block)} 
113 end
execute_dui(sql, opts=OPTS)

Store the sql used, and return the value of the numrows method.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/mock.rb
117 def execute_dui(sql, opts=OPTS)
118   execute(sql, opts.merge(:meth=>:numrows))
119 end
execute_insert(sql, opts=OPTS)

Store the sql used, and return the value of the autoid method.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/mock.rb
122 def execute_insert(sql, opts=OPTS)
123   execute(sql, opts.merge(:meth=>:autoid))
124 end

Return all stored SQL queries, and clear the cache of SQL queries.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/mock.rb
128 def sqls
129   @mutex.synchronize do
130     s = @sqls.dup
131     @sqls.clear
132     s
133   end
134 end

Enable use of savepoints.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/mock.rb
137 def supports_savepoints?
138   shared_adapter? ? super : true
139 end