
Last Update: 2023-11-01 08:38:41 -0700

New Features

  • Sequel.migration blocks now support a revert method, which reverts the changes in the block on up, and applies them on down. So if you have a migration such as:

    Sequel.migration do
      change do
        create_table :table do
          # ...

    and you later want to add a migration that drops the table, you can use:

    Sequel.migration do
      revert do
        create_table :table do
          # ...

    This will drop the table when migrating up, and create a table with the given schema when migrating down.

  • is_json and is_not_json methods have been added to the pg_json_ops extension, for the IS [NOT] JSON operator supported in PostgreSQL 16+. These were previously added in Sequel 5.59.0, and removed in Sequel 5.61.0 as support was removed in PostgreSQL 15 beta 4. PostgreSQL 16 shipped with support for them, so support has been recommitted to Sequel.

Other Improvements

  • SQLite generated columns now show up in Database#schema when using SQLite 3.37+.

  • Sequel now attempts to avoid an infinite loop in pathlogical cases in the jdbc adapter, where the exception cause chain has a loop. Additionally, if an exception is already recognized as a disconnect, or an exception already responds to a getSQLState method, Sequel no longer looks at the causes of the exception.