
Last Update: 2023-06-30 11:23:18 -0700

New Features

  • A sharded_timed_queue connection pool has been added. This offers most of the same features as the sharded_threaded connection pool, but uses the new Queue#pop :timeout features added in Ruby 3.2 to allow for a simpler and possibly faster and more robust implementation.

  • If a :pool_class option is not specified when creating a Database, Sequel will now look at the SEQUEL_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_POOL environment variable to determine the connection pool class to use. This allows you to set SEQUEL_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_POOL=timed_queue on Ruby 3.2 to test with the timed_queue connection pool without making any code changes. If the :servers Database option is given, Sequel will automatically use the sharded version of the connection pool specified by SEQUEL_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_POOL.

Other Improvements

  • The connection_validator, connection_expiration, and async_thread_pool extensions now work with the timed_queue and sharded_timed_queue connection pools.

  • The sharded_threaded connection pool now disconnects connections for all specified servers instead of just the last specified server when using remove_server.

  • The static_cache plugin now recognizes when the forbid_lazy_load plugin is already loaded, and does not return instances that forbid lazy load for methods that return a single object, such as Database.{[],cache_get_pk,first}.

  • Sequel now displays an informative error message if attempting to load the connection_validator or connection_expiration extensions when using the single threaded connection pool.