
Last Update: 2021-10-01 07:34:33 -0700

New Features

  • Model#validates_no_null_byte has been added to the validation_helpers. It checks that the value being validated does not contain an ASCII NUL (‘0’) byte. Some databases will return an error if a string contains a NUL byte.

    The auto_validations plugin will now automatically add no_null_byte validations for all string columns in the model’s table. This will change exceptions raised by NUL bytes from database errors to validation failures.

    If you are using auto_validations and would like to have a table accept NUL bytes in string columns, use the following code inside the model:

  • JSONB subscripts are now supported on PostgreSQL 14+ when using the pg_json_ops extension. You can use JSONB subscripts to more easily update part of a JSONB column:

    DB[:table].update(Sequel.pg_jsonb_op(:column)['key'] => 'value')
    UPDATE "table" SET "column"['key'] = 'value'
  • hstore subscripts are now supported on PostgreSQL 14+ when using the pg_hstore_ops extension. You can use hstore subscripts to more easily update part of an hstore column:

    DB[:table].update(Sequel.hstore_op(:column)['key'] => 'value')
    UPDATE "table" SET "column"['key'] = 'value'
  • Sequel now supports table aliases for JOIN USING columns on PostgreSQL 14+. These allow you to reference the USING columns in the query using a qualified identifier. To use this support, pass an SQL::AliasedExpression as the expression to join on:

    DB[:t1].join(:t2, Sequel.as([:c1, :c2], :alias))
    # SELECT * FROM "t1" INNER JOIN "t2" USING ("c1", "c2") AS "alias"
  • Database#create_trigger on PostgreSQL now supports a :replace option for CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER (supported in PostgreSQL 14+).

  • SQL::Expression#sequel_ast_transform has been added to support AST transforms of custom expression classes.

Other Improvements

  • Sequel now supports calling PostgreSQL procedures without arguments when using Database#call_procedure. Previously, attempts to call procuredures without arguments would call the procedure with a single NULL argument.

  • Sequel now uses defined?(yield) instead of block_given? internally for better performance on CRuby. defined?(yield) is faster as it is built into the VM, while block_given? is a regular method and has the overhead of calling a regular method. Note that defined?(yield) is not implemented correctly on JRuby before, so this release of Sequel drops support for JRuby versions before