
Last Update: 2016-08-01 07:21:11 -0700

New Features

  • Database#values has been added on SQLite#3.8.3+, operating similarly to the support on PostgreSQL:

    DB.values([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).select_map([:column1, :column2])
    # => [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
  • Regular expressions in dataset filters are now supported on Oracle 10g+:


Other Improvements

  • Sequel now supports the use of native prepared statements and bound variables in the mysql2 adapter, when mysql2 0.4+ is used. Previously, the mysql2 adapter supported database prepared statements, but variables were always literalized. That is still supported when mysql2 <0.4 is used.

  • The connection pool now removes connections if it detects a disconnect error that is not raised as a Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError. Such exceptions are reraised without converted them to Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError, but the related connection is now removed from the pool.

  • The reversible migration support now handles add_constraint with an options hash as the first argument.

  • ASTTransformer now handles Sequel.extract, allowing Dataset#qualify and other uses of ASTTransformer to work with such values.

  • The create_view :columns option is now suppported on SQLite 3.9.0+.

  • An additional disconnect error is now recognized in the postgres adapter.

  • A frozen string literal issue has been fixed when multiple different database connection approaches have failed in the jdbc adapter.

Backwards Compatibility

  • External database adapters need to make sure that Database#database_error_classes returns a valid result if called during Database#initialize. If you have an external adapter where one of the error classes depends on an argument given when connecting (such as the connection string), you may have to make some changes.