
Last Update: 2014-08-01 10:46:54 -0700

New Features

  • A modification_detection plugin has been added, for automatic detection of in-place column value modifications. This makes it so you don’t have to call Model#modified! manually when changing a value in place.

  • A column_select plugin has been added, for automatically selecting explicitly qualified columns in model datasets. Example:

    Sequel::Model.plugin :column_select
    class Album < Sequel::Model
    # SELECT albums.id, albums.name, albums.artist_id
    # FROM albums
  • An insert_returning_select plugin has been added, for automatically setting up RETURNING clauses for models that select explicit columns. This is useful when using the column_select or lazy_attributes plugins.

  • A pg_enum extension has been added, for easier dealing with PostgreSQL enum types. The possible values for the type are then returned in the schema hashes under the :enum_values key. It also adds create_enum, drop_enum, and add_enum_value Database methods for migration support.

  • A round_timestamps extension has been added, for automatically rounding timestamps to database supported precision when literalizing.

  • A dataset_source_alias extension has been added, for automatically aliasing datasets to their first source, instead of using t1, t2. Example:

    DB.from(:a, DB[:b]).sql
    # SELECT * FROM a, (SELECT * FROM b) AS t1
    DB.from(:a, DB[:b]).sql
    # SELECT * FROM a, (SELECT * FROM b) AS b
  • On Microsoft SQL Server, Sequel now emulates RETURNING support using the OUTPUT clause, as long as only simple column references are used.

Other Improvements

  • A regression has been fixed in the timestamps and table inheritance plugins, where column values would not be saved when skipping validations. This was first broken in 4.11.0.

  • A regression has been fixed on JRuby and Rubinius when using Sequel::Model(dataset) if the dataset needs to literalize a symbol (and most do). This was first broken in 4.10.0.

  • Primary keys are now automatically setup for models even if the models select specific columns.

  • The lazy_attributes plugin now uses qualified columns in its selection, instead of unqualified columns.

  • When looking up model instances by primary key, Sequel now uses a qualified primary key if the model uses a joined dataset.

  • For associations that require joins, Sequel will now use the associated model’s selection directly (instead of associated_table.*) if the associated model’s selection consists solely of qualified columns.

    Among other things, this means that a many_to_many association to a model that uses lazy attributes will not eagerly load the lazy attributes by default.

  • Model#save now uses insert_select if there is an existing RETURNING clause used by the underlying dataset, even if the model selects specific columns.

  • In Dataset#insert, aliased tables are now automatically unaliased. This allows you to use a dataset with an aliased table and have full SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE support, assuming the database supports aliased tables in UPDATE and DELETE.

  • Dataset#graph now qualifies columns correctly if the current dataset is a joined dataset and it moves the current dataset to a subselect.

  • Dataset#joined_dataset? is now a public method, and can be used to determine whether the dataset uses a join, either explicitly via JOIN or implicitly via multiple FROM tables.

  • The Dataset#unqualified_column_for helper method has been added, returning the unqualified version of a possibly qualified column.

  • The composition and serialization plugins now support validations on the underlying columns. Previously, they didn’t update the underlying columns until after validations were performed. This works better when using the auto_validations plugin.

  • The class_table_inheritance plugin now uses JOIN ON instead of JOIN USING, which makes it work on all databases that Sequel supports. Additionally, the plugin now explicitly selects qualified columns from all of the tables.

  • The list plugin now adds an after_destroy hook that will renumber rows after the current row, similar to how moving existing values in the list works.

  • The pg_json extension is now faster when json column value is a plain string, number, true, false, or nil, if the underlying json library handles such values natively.

  • External jdbc, odbc, and do subadapters can now be loaded automatically without requiring them first, assuming proper support in the external subadapter.

  • When using create_table on MySQL, correctly handle the :key option to when calling foreign_key with a column reference.

  • On Oracle, use all_tab_cols instead of user_tab_cols for getting default values when parsing the schema. This makes it work if the user does not own the table.

  • On Oracle, use all_tables and all_views for Database#tables and Database#views. This works better for users with limited rights.

  • Additional disconnect errors are now recognized in the postgres and jdbc/mysql adapters.

  • Sequel::Model now uses copy constructors (e.g. initialize_copy) instead of overriding dup and clone.

  • The rake default task now runs plugin specs in addition to core and model specs.

bin/sequel Improvements

  • Add the sequel lib directory to the front of the load path instead of the end, fixing cases where you end up requiring an old version of the sequel gem (e.g. by using sequel_pg).

  • Add the sequel lib directory as an absolute path, fixing cases where you later change the current directory.

  • Require sequel later in the code, so that bin/sequel -h doesn’t need to require sequel, and full backtrace is not printed if requiring sequel raises an error (unless -t is used).

  • If an exception is raised, put a newline between the exception message and backtrace.

  • Don’t allow usage of -C with any of -cdDmS.

  • If sequel -v is given along with a database or code string to execute, print the Sequel version but also continue, similar to how ruby -v works.

Backwards Compatibility

  • The switch from JOIN ON to JOIN USING in the class_table_inheritance can break certain usage, such as querying using unqualified primary key. Users should switch to using a qualified primary key instead.

  • Calling Dataset#returning when the underlying database does not support it now raises an Error.