
Last Update: 2013-01-08 15:33:17 -0800

New Features

  • A core_refinements extension has been added, which offers refinement versions of Sequel’s core extensions. This requires the new experimental refinement support added in ruby 2.0, and allows you to use the Sequel DSL methods in a file without actually modifying the Symbol, String, Array, and Hash classes.

  • A date_arithmetic extension has been added for performing database-independent date calculations (adding/subtracting an interval to/from a date):

    Sequel.extension :date_arithmetic
    e = Sequel.date_add(:date_column, :years=>1, :months=>2, :days=>3)
    DB[:table].where(e > Sequel::CURRENT_DATE)

    In addition to providing the interval as a hash, you can also provide it as an ActiveSupport::Duration object. This extension is supported on 11 database types.

  • Dataset#get can now take an array of multiple expressions to get an array of values, similar to map/select_map:

    value1, value2 = DB[:table].get([:column1, :column2])
  • Sequel can now handle [host.]database.schema.table qualified tables on Microsoft SQL Server. To implement this support, the split_qualifiers method has been added to Database and Dataset for taking a possibly qualified identifier and splitting it into an array of identifier strings.

  • The string_stripper plugin now offers the ability to manually specify which columns to skip stripping for via Model.skip_string_stripping.

Other Improvements

  • The jdbc adapter now works with the new jdbc-* gems, which require a manual load_driver step that the older jdbc-* gems did not require.

  • The string_stripper plugin no longer strips blob columns or values.

  • Database#copy_into in both the postgres and jdbc/postgres adapters has been fixed to better handle exceptions.

  • Dataset#hash and Model#hash are now significantly faster.

  • Lambda procs with 0 arity can now be used as virtual row blocks on ruby 1.9. Previously, attempting to use a lambda proc with 0 arity as a virtual row block on ruby 1.9 would raise an exception.

  • Schema-qualified composite types are now handled correctly in the pg_row extension.

  • Database#reset_primary_key_sequence on PostgreSQL now works correctly when a default_schema is set.

  • tinyint(1) unsigned columns on MySQL are now parsed as booleans instead of integers on MySQL if converting tinyint to boolean.

  • The jdbc adapter now supports the jdbc-hsqldb gem, so you can now install that instead of having to require the .jar manually.

  • Blobs are now casted correctly on DB2 when the use_clob_as_blob setting is false.

  • Oracle timestamptz types are now handled correctly in the jdbc/oracle adapter.

  • Sequel now defaults to :prefetch_rows = 100 in the oracle adapter, which can significantly improve performance.

  • Sequel now defines respond_to_missing? where method_missing? is defined and the object also responds to respond_to?.

  • Sequel::BasicObject now responds to instance_exec on ruby 1.8.

Backwards Compatibility

  • The meta_def method that was defined on Database, Dataset, and Model classes and instances has been moved to an extension named meta_def, and is no longer loaded by default. This method was previously used internally, and it wasn’t designed for external use. If you have code that uses meta_def, you should now load the extension manually:

    Sequel.extension :meta_def
  • The private _*_dataset_helper model association methods are no longer defined. The AssociationReflection#dataset_helper_method public method is also no longer defined.

  • Dataset#schema_and_table now always returns strings (or nil). Before, in some cases it would return symbols.

  • Using a conditions specifier array with Dataset#get no longer works due to the new multiple values support in Database#get. So code such as:

    DB[:table].get([[:a, 1], [:b, 2]])

    should be changed to:

    DB[:table].get(Sequel.expr([[:a, 1], [:b, 2]]))