
Last Update: 2012-03-01 09:28:32 -0800

New Features

  • A server_block extension has been added that makes Sequel’s sharding support easier to use by scoping database access inside the block to a given server/shard:

    Sequel.extension :server_block
    DB.extend Sequel::ServerBlock
    DB.with_server(:shard_1) do
      # All of these will execute against shard_1
      DB.run 'SOME SQL'
  • An arbitrary_servers extension has been added that extends Sequel’s sharding support so that you can use arbitrary connection options instead of referencing an existing, predefined server/shard:

    Sequel.extension :arbitrary_servers
    DB.pool.extend Sequel::ArbitraryServers
    DB[:table].server(:host=>'foo', :database=>'bar').all

    You can use this extension in conjunction with the server_block extension:

    DB.with_server(:host=>'foo', :database=>'bar') do
      DB.synchronize do
        # All of these will execute on host foo, database bar
        DB.run 'SOME SQL'

    The combination of these two extensions makes it pretty easy to write a thread-safe Rack middleware that scopes each request to an arbitrary database.

  • The sqlite adapter now supports an integer_booleans setting for using 1/0 for true/false values, instead of the the ‘t’/‘f’ values used by default. As SQLite recommends using integers to store booleans, converting your existing database and enabling this setting is recommended, but for backwards compatibility it is set to false. You can convert you existing database by doing the following for each table/column that has booleans:

                        case(0, :boolean_column))

    The integer_booleans default setting may change in a future version of Sequel, so you should set it manually to false if you prefer the current default.

  • You can now disable transaction use in migrations, in one of two ways. You generally only need to do this if you are using an SQL query inside a migration that is specifically not supported inside a transaction, such as CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY on PostgreSQL.

    The first way to disable transactions is on a per-migration basis by calling the no_transaction method inside the Sequel.migration block:

    Sequel.migration do
      change do
        # ...

    That will make it so that a transaction is not used for that particular migration. The second way is passing the :use_tranctions=>false option when calling Migrator.run (using the API), which will completely disable transactions for all migrations during the migrator run.

  • The postgres adapter now respects an :sslmode option when using pg as the underlying driver, you can set the value of this option to disable, allow, prefer, or require.

  • Database#create_schema and drop_schema are now defined when connecting to PostgreSQL.

  • Database#supports_savepoints_in_prepared_transactions? has been added for checking if savepoints are supported inside prepared transactions. This is true if both savepoints and prepared transactions are both supported, except on MySQL > 5.5.12 (due to MySQL bug 64374).

Other Improvements

  • The mysql and mysql2 adapters now both provide an accurate number of rows matched, so Sequel::Model usage on those adapters will now raise a NoExistingObject exception by default if you attempt to delete or update an instance that no longer exists in the database.

  • Foreign key creation now works correctly without specifying the :key option when using MySQL with the InnoDB table engine. InnoDB requires that you list the column explicitly, even if you are referencing the primary key of the table, so if the :key option is not given, the database schema is introspected to find the primary key for the table. If you are attempting to create a table with a self-referential foreign key, it introspects the generator to get the primary key for the table.

  • The sqlite adapter will now return 1/0 stored in boolean columns as true/false. It will convert dates stored as Integers/Floats to Date objects by assuming they represent the julian date. It will convert times stored as Integers/Floats to Sequel::SQLTime objects by assuming they represent a number of seconds. It will convert datetimes stored as Integers by assuming they represent a unix epoch time integer, and datetimes stored as Floats by assuming the represent the julian date (with fractional part representing the time of day). These changes make Sequel handle SQLite’s recommendations for boolean/date/time storage.

  • The instance_hooks plugin’s (before|after)_*_hook methods now return self so they can be used in a method chain.

  • The list plugin now automatically adds new entries to the end of the list when creating the entries, if the position field is not specifically set.

  • An identifier_output_method is now respected in the mysql2 adapter.

  • NaN/Infinity Float values are now quoted correctly for input on PostgreSQL, and the postgres adapter correctly handles them on retrieval from the database.

  • The :collate column option is now respected when creating tables or altering columns on MySQL.

  • You can now force use of the TimestampMigrator when the IntegerMigrator would be used by default by calling TimestampMigrator.apply or .run.

  • Mock adapter usage with a specific SQL dialect now uses the appropriate defaults for quoting identifiers.

  • You can now disable the use of sudo in the rake install/uninstall tasks using the SUDO=” environment variable.

  • A very misleading error message has been fixed when attempting to constantize an invalid string in the model inflector.

Backwards Compatibility

  • The sqlite adapter now typecasts columns that SQLite stores as INTEGER/REAL. Previously, it only typecasted columns that SQLite stored as TEXT/BLOB. For details about SQLite storage, see www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html.

    Any custom type conversion procs used with the sqlite adapter should be modified to work with Integer/Float objects in addition to String objects.