class Sequel::Model::Associations::EagerGraphLoader

  1. lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
Superclass: Object

This class is the internal implementation of eager_graph. It is responsible for taking an array of plain hashes and returning an array of model objects with all eager_graphed associations already set in the association cache.


after_load_map [R]

Hash with table alias symbol keys and after_load hook values

alias_map [R]

Hash with table alias symbol keys and association name values

column_maps [R]

Hash with table alias symbol keys and subhash values mapping column_alias symbols to the symbol of the real name of the column

dependency_map [R]

Recursive hash with table alias symbol keys mapping to hashes with dependent table alias symbol keys.

limit_map [R]

Hash with table alias symbol keys and [limit, offset] values

master [R]

The table alias symbol for the primary model

primary_keys [R]

Hash with table alias symbol keys and primary key symbol values (or arrays of primary key symbols for composite key tables)

reciprocal_map [R]

Hash with table alias symbol keys and reciprocal association symbol values, used for setting reciprocals for one_to_many associations.

records_map [R]

Hash with table alias symbol keys and subhash values mapping primary key symbols (or array of symbols) to model instances. Used so that only a single model instance is created for each object.

reflection_map [R]

Hash with table alias symbol keys and AssociationReflection values

row_procs [R]

Hash with table alias symbol keys and callable values used to create model instances

type_map [R]

Hash with table alias symbol keys and true/false values, where true means the association represented by the table alias uses an array of values instead of a single value (i.e. true => *_many, false => *_to_one).

Public Class methods


Initialize all of the data structures used during loading.

[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
3768 def initialize(dataset)
3769   opts = dataset.opts
3770   eager_graph = opts[:eager_graph]
3771   @master =  eager_graph[:master]
3772   requirements = eager_graph[:requirements]
3773   reflection_map = @reflection_map = eager_graph[:reflections]
3774   reciprocal_map = @reciprocal_map = eager_graph[:reciprocals]
3775   limit_map = @limit_map = eager_graph[:limits]
3776   @unique = eager_graph[:cartesian_product_number] > 1
3778   alias_map = @alias_map = {}
3779   type_map = @type_map = {}
3780   after_load_map = @after_load_map = {}
3781   reflection_map.each do |k, v|
3782     alias_map[k] = v[:name]
3783     after_load_map[k] = v[:after_load] if v[:after_load]
3784     type_map[k] = if v.returns_array?
3785       true
3786     elsif (limit_and_offset = limit_map[k]) && !limit_and_offset.last.nil?
3787       :offset
3788     end
3789   end
3790   after_load_map.freeze
3791   alias_map.freeze
3792   type_map.freeze
3794   # Make dependency map hash out of requirements array for each association.
3795   # This builds a tree of dependencies that will be used for recursion
3796   # to ensure that all parts of the object graph are loaded into the
3797   # appropriate subordinate association.
3798   dependency_map = @dependency_map = {}
3799   # Sort the associations by requirements length, so that
3800   # requirements are added to the dependency hash before their
3801   # dependencies.
3802   requirements.sort_by{|a| a[1].length}.each do |ta, deps|
3803     if deps.empty?
3804       dependency_map[ta] = {}
3805     else
3806       deps = deps.dup
3807       hash = dependency_map[deps.shift]
3808       deps.each do |dep|
3809         hash = hash[dep]
3810       end
3811       hash[ta] = {}
3812     end
3813   end
3814   freezer = lambda do |h|
3815     h.freeze
3816     h.each_value(&freezer)
3817   end
3820   datasets = opts[:graph][:table_aliases].to_a.reject{|ta,ds| ds.nil?}
3821   column_aliases = opts[:graph][:column_aliases]
3822   primary_keys = {}
3823   column_maps = {}
3824   models = {}
3825   row_procs = {}
3826   datasets.each do |ta, ds|
3827     models[ta] = ds.model
3828     primary_keys[ta] = []
3829     column_maps[ta] = {}
3830     row_procs[ta] = ds.row_proc
3831   end
3832   column_aliases.each do |col_alias, tc|
3833     ta, column = tc
3834     column_maps[ta][col_alias] = column
3835   end
3836   column_maps.each do |ta, h|
3837     pk = models[ta].primary_key
3838     if pk.is_a?(Array)
3839       primary_keys[ta] = []
3840{|ca, c| primary_keys[ta] << ca if pk.include?(c)}
3841     else
3842{|ca, c| primary_keys[ta] = ca if pk == c}
3843     end
3844   end
3845   @column_maps = column_maps.freeze
3846   @primary_keys = primary_keys.freeze
3847   @row_procs = row_procs.freeze
3849   # For performance, create two special maps for the master table,
3850   # so you can skip a hash lookup.
3851   @master_column_map = column_maps[master]
3852   @master_primary_keys = primary_keys[master]
3854   # Add a special hash mapping table alias symbols to 5 element arrays that just
3855   # contain the data in other data structures for that table alias.  This is
3856   # used for performance, to get all values in one hash lookup instead of
3857   # separate hash lookups for each data structure.
3858   ta_map = {}
3859   alias_map.each_key do |ta|
3860     ta_map[ta] = [row_procs[ta], alias_map[ta], type_map[ta], reciprocal_map[ta]].freeze
3861   end
3862   @ta_map = ta_map.freeze
3863   freeze
3864 end

Public Instance methods


Return an array of primary model instances with the associations cache prepopulated for all model objects (both primary and associated).

[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/associations.rb
3868 def load(hashes)
3869   # This mapping is used to make sure that duplicate entries in the
3870   # result set are mapped to a single record.  For example, using a
3871   # single one_to_many association with 10 associated records,
3872   # the main object column values appear in the object graph 10 times.
3873   # We map by primary key, if available, or by the object's entire values,
3874   # if not. The mapping must be per table, so create sub maps for each table
3875   # alias.
3876   @records_map = records_map = {}
3877   alias_map.keys.each{|ta| records_map[ta] = {}}
3879   master = master()
3881   # Assign to local variables for speed increase
3882   rp = row_procs[master]
3883   rm = records_map[master] = {}
3884   dm = dependency_map
3886   records_map.freeze
3888   # This will hold the final record set that we will be replacing the object graph with.
3889   records = []
3891   hashes.each do |h|
3892     unless key = master_pk(h)
3893       key = hkey(master_hfor(h))
3894     end
3895     unless primary_record = rm[key]
3896       primary_record = rm[key] =
3897       # Only add it to the list of records to return if it is a new record
3898       records.push(primary_record)
3899     end
3900     # Build all associations for the current object and it's dependencies
3901     _load(dm, primary_record, h)
3902   end
3904   # Remove duplicate records from all associations if this graph could possibly be a cartesian product
3905   # Run after_load procs if there are any
3906   post_process(records, dm) if @unique || !after_load_map.empty? || !limit_map.empty?
3908   records_map.each_value(&:freeze)
3909   freeze
3911   records
3912 end