
Last Update: 2021-12-17 16:59:47 -0800

The date_parse_input_handler extension allows for configuring how input to date parsing methods should be handled. By default, the extension does not change behavior. However, you can use the Sequel.date_parse_input_handler method to support custom handling of input strings to the date parsing methods. For example, if you want to implement a length check to prevent denial of service vulnerabilities in older versions of Ruby, you can do:

Sequel.extension :date_parse_input_handler
Sequel.date_parse_input_handler do |string|
  raise Sequel::InvalidValue, "string length (200) exceeds the limit 128" if string.bytesize > 128

You can also use Sequel.date_parse_input_handler to modify the string that will be passed to the parsing methods. For example, you could truncate it:

Sequel.date_parse_input_handler do |string|
  string.b[0, 128]

Be aware that modern versions of Ruby will raise an exception if date parsing input exceeds 128 bytes.