
Last Update: 2017-08-01 08:12:00 -0700

The current_datetime_timestamp extension makes Dataset#current_datetime return an object that operates like, but will be literalized as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.

This allows you to use the defaults_setter, timestamps, and touch model plugins and make sure that CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is used instead of a literalized timestamp value.

The reason that CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is better than a literalized version of the timestamp is that it obeys correct transactional semantics (all calls to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in the same transaction return the same timestamp, at least on some databases).

To have current_datetime be literalized as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for a single dataset:

ds = ds.extension(:current_datetime_timestamp)

To have current_datetime be literalized as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for all datasets of a given database.


Related module: Sequel::CurrentDateTimeTimestamp