module Sequel::Postgres::StaticCacheUpdater

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/pg_static_cache_updater.rb

Public Instance methods


Add the static cache update function to the PostgreSQL database. This must be added before any triggers using this function are added.



Override the channel name to use.


Override the function name to use.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_static_cache_updater.rb
80       def create_static_cache_update_function(opts=OPTS)
81         create_function(opts[:function_name]||default_static_cache_update_name, <<SQL, :returns=>:trigger, :language=>:plpgsql)
83   PERFORM pg_notify(#{literal((opts[:channel_name]||default_static_cache_update_name).to_s)}, TG_RELID::text);
85 END
86 SQL
87       end
create_static_cache_update_trigger(table, opts=OPTS)

Add a trigger to the given table that calls the function which will notify about table changes.



Override the function name to use.


Override the trigger name to use.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_static_cache_updater.rb
95 def create_static_cache_update_trigger(table, opts=OPTS)
96   create_trigger(table, opts[:trigger_name]||default_static_cache_update_name, opts[:function_name]||default_static_cache_update_name, :after=>true)
97 end

The default name for the function, trigger, and notification channel for this extension.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_static_cache_updater.rb
101 def default_static_cache_update_name
102   :sequel_static_cache_update
103 end
listen_for_static_cache_updates(models, opts=OPTS)

Listen on the notification channel for changes to any of tables for the models given in a new thread. If notified about a change to one of the tables, reload the cache for the related model. Options given are also passed to Database#listen.

Note that this implementation does not currently support multiple models that use the same underlying table.



Override the channel name to use.


An object that responds to call that is called before the the created thread exits.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_static_cache_updater.rb
117 def listen_for_static_cache_updates(models, opts=OPTS)
118   raise Error, "this database object does not respond to listen, use the postgres adapter with the pg driver" unless respond_to?(:listen)
119   models = [models] unless models.is_a?(Array)
120   raise Error, "array of models to listen for changes cannot be empty" if models.empty?
122   oid_map = {}
123   models.each do |model|
124     raise Error, "#{model.inspect} does not use the static_cache plugin" unless model.respond_to?(:load_cache)
125     oid_map[get(regclass_oid(model.dataset.first_source_table))] = model
126   end
128 do
129     begin
130       listen(opts[:channel_name]||default_static_cache_update_name, {:loop=>true}.merge!(opts)) do |_, _, oid|
131         if model = oid_map[oid.to_i]
132           model.load_cache
133         end
134       end
135     ensure
136       opts[:before_thread_exit].call if opts[:before_thread_exit]
137     end
138   end
139 end