module Sequel::Plugins::Tree::InstanceMethods

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/tree.rb

Public Instance methods


Returns list of ancestors, starting from parent until root.

subchild1.ancestors # => [child1, root]
[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/plugins/tree.rb
92 def ancestors
93   node, nodes = self, []
94   meth = model.parent_association_name
95   while par = node.send(meth)
96     nodes << node = par
97   end
98   nodes
99 end

Returns list of descendants

node.descendants # => [child1, child2, subchild1_1, subchild1_2, subchild2_1, subchild2_2]
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/tree.rb
104 def descendants
105   nodes = send(model.children_association_name).dup
106   send(model.children_association_name).each{|child| nodes.concat(child.descendants)}
107   nodes 
108 end

Returns the root node of the tree that this node descends from. This node is returned if it is a root node itself.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/tree.rb
112 def root
113   ancestors.last || self
114 end

Returns true if this is a root node, false otherwise.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/tree.rb
117 def root?
118   !new? && possible_root?
119 end

Returns all siblings and a reference to the current node.

subchild1.self_and_siblings # => [subchild1, subchild2]
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/tree.rb
124 def self_and_siblings
125   if parent = send(model.parent_association_name)
126     parent.send(model.children_association_name)
127   else
128     model.roots
129   end
130 end

Returns all siblings of the current node.

subchild1.siblings # => [subchild2]
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/tree.rb
135 def siblings
136   self_and_siblings - [self]
137 end