module Sequel::Plugins::InstanceSpecificDefault

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/instance_specific_default.rb

The instance_specific_default plugin exists to make it easier to use a global :instance_specific association option, or to warn or raise when Sequel has to guess which value to use :instance_specific option (Sequel defaults to guessing true as that is the conservative setting). It is helpful to use this plugin, particularly with the :warn or :raise settings, to determine which associations should have :instance_specific set. Setting the :instance_specific to false for associations that are not instance specific can improve performance.

Associations are instance-specific if their block calls a model instance method, or where the value of the block varies based on runtime state, and the variance is outside of a delayed evaluation. For example, with the following three associations:

Album.one_to_one :first_track, class: :Track do |ds|
  ds.where(number: 1)

Album.one_to_one :last_track, class: :Track do |ds|
  ds.where(number: num_tracks)

Album.one_to_many :recent_tracks, class: :Track do |ds|
  ds.where{date_updated > - 10}

first_track is not instance specific, but last_track and recent_tracks are. last_track is because the num_tracks call in the block is calling Album#num_tracks. recent_tracks is because the value will change over time. This plugin allows you to find these cases, and set the :instance_specific option appropriately for them:

Album.one_to_one :first_track, class: :Track, instance_specific: false do |ds|
  ds.where(number: 1)

Album.one_to_one :last_track, class: :Track, instance_specific: true do |ds|
  ds.where(number: num_tracks)

Album.one_to_many :recent_tracks, class: :Track, instance_specific: true do |ds|
  ds.where{date_updated > - 10}

For the recent_tracks association, instead of marking it instance_specific, you could also use a delayed evaluation, since it doesn’t actually contain instance-specific code:

Album.one_to_many :recent_tracks, class: :Track, instance_specific: false do |ds|
  ds.where{date_updated > Sequel.delay{ - 10}}

Possible arguments to provide when loading the plugin:


Set the :instance_specific option to true


Set the :instance_specific option to false


Call super to set the :instance_specific option


Emit a warning before calling super to set the :instance_specific option


Raise a Sequel::Error if an :instance_specific option is not provided and an association could be instance-specific.

Note that this plugin only affects associations which could be instance specific (those with blocks), where the :instance_specific option was not specified when the association was created.


# Set how to handle associations that could be instance specific
# but did not specify an :instance_specific option, for all subclasses
# (set before creating subclasses).
Sequel::Model.plugin :instance_specific_default, :warn

# Set how to handle associations that could be instance specific
# but did not specify an :instance_specific option, for the Album class
Album.plugin :instance_specific_default, :warn


Public Class

  1. configure

Public Class methods

configure(model, default)

Set how to handle associations that could be instance specific but did not specify an :instance_specific value.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/plugins/instance_specific_default.rb
83 def self.configure(model, default)
84   model.instance_variable_set(:@instance_specific_default, default)
85 end