module Sequel::Plugins::DatasetAssociations::DatasetMethods

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/dataset_associations.rb


Public Instance

  1. associated

Public Instance methods


For the association given by name, return a dataset of associated objects such that it would return the union of calling the association method on all objects returned by the current dataset.

This supports most options that are supported when eager loading. However, it will only work for limited associations or *_one associations with orders if the database supports window functions.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/dataset_associations.rb
 83 def associated(name)
 84   raise Error, "unrecognized association name: #{name.inspect}" unless r = model.association_reflection(name)
 85   ds = r.associated_class.dataset
 86   sds = opts[:limit] ? self : unordered
 87   ds = case r[:type]
 88   when :many_to_one
 89     ds.where(r.qualified_primary_key=>*Array(r[:qualified_key])))
 90   when :one_to_one, :one_to_many
 91     r.send(:apply_filter_by_associations_limit_strategy, ds.where(r.qualified_key=>*Array(r.qualified_primary_key))))
 92   when :many_to_many, :one_through_one
 93     mds = r.associated_class.dataset.
 94       join(r[:join_table], r[:right_keys].zip(r.right_primary_keys)).
 95       select(*Array(r.qualified_right_key)).
 96       where(r.qualify(r.join_table_alias, r[:left_keys])=>*r.qualify(model.table_name, r[:left_primary_key_columns])))
 97     ds.where(r.qualified_right_primary_key=>r.send(:apply_filter_by_associations_limit_strategy, mds))
 98   when :many_through_many, :one_through_many
 99     if r.reverse_edges.empty?
100       mds = r.associated_dataset
101       fe = r.edges.first
102       selection = Array(r.qualify(fe[:table], r.final_edge[:left]))
103       predicate_key = r.qualify(fe[:table], fe[:right])
104     else
105       mds = model.dataset
106       iq = model.table_name
107       edges =
108       edges << r.final_edge.dup
109       edges.each do |e|
110         alias_expr = e[:table]
111         aliaz = mds.unused_table_alias(e[:table])
112         unless aliaz == alias_expr
113           alias_expr =[:table], aliaz)
114         end
115         e[:alias] = aliaz
116         mds = mds.join(alias_expr, Array(e[:right]).zip(Array(e[:left])), :implicit_qualifier=>iq)
117         iq = nil
118       end
119       fe, f1e, f2e = edges.values_at(0, -1, -2)
120       selection = Array(r.qualify(f2e[:alias], f1e[:left]))
121       predicate_key = r.qualify(fe[:alias], fe[:right])
122     end
124     mds = mds.
125       select(*selection).
126       where(predicate_key=>*r.qualify(model.table_name, r[:left_primary_key_columns])))
127     ds.where(r.qualified_right_primary_key=>r.send(:apply_filter_by_associations_limit_strategy, mds))
128   when :pg_array_to_many
129     ds.where(Sequel[r.primary_key=>{Sequel.pg_array_op(r.qualify(r[:model].table_name, r[:key])).unnest}])
130   when :many_to_pg_array
131     ds.where(Sequel.function(:coalesce, Sequel.pg_array_op(r[:key]).overlaps({array_agg(r.qualify(r[:model].table_name, r.primary_key))}), false))
132   else
133     raise Error, "unrecognized association type for association #{name.inspect}: #{r[:type].inspect}"
134   end
136   ds = r.apply_eager_dataset_changes(ds).unlimited
138   if r[:dataset_associations_join]
139     case r[:type]
140     when :many_to_many, :one_through_one
141       ds = ds.join(r[:join_table], r[:right_keys].zip(r.right_primary_keys))
142     when :many_through_many, :one_through_many
143       (r.reverse_edges + [r.final_reverse_edge]).each{|e| ds = ds.join(e[:table], e.fetch(:only_conditions, (Array(e[:left]).zip(Array(e[:right])) + Array(e[:conditions]))), :table_alias=>ds.unused_table_alias(e[:table]), :qualify=>:deep, &e[:block])}
144     end
145   end
147   ds
148 end