module Sequel::Plugins::ColumnConflicts::InstanceMethods

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/column_conflicts.rb


Public Instance

  1. get_column_value
  2. set_column_value

Public Instance methods


If the given column has a getter method conflict, lookup the value directly in the values hash.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/plugins/column_conflicts.rb
89 def get_column_value(c)
90   if col = model.get_column_conflicts[c]
91     self[col]
92   else
93     super
94   end
95 end
set_column_value(c, v)

If the given column has a setter method conflict, set the value directly in the values hash.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/column_conflicts.rb
 98 def set_column_value(c, v)
 99   if col = model.set_column_conflicts[c]
100     self[col] = v
101   else
102     super
103   end
104 end