module Sequel::Plugins::AssociationPks::InstanceMethods

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/association_pks.rb


Public Instance

  1. after_save
  2. refresh

Public Instance methods


After creating an object, if there are any saved association pks, call the related association pks setters.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/association_pks.rb
219 def after_save
220   if assoc_pks = @_association_pks
221     assoc_pks.each do |name, pks|
222      # pks_setter_method is private
223       send(model.association_reflection(name)[:pks_setter_method], pks)
224     end
225     @_association_pks = nil
226   end
227   super
228 end

Clear the associated pks if explicitly refreshing.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/association_pks.rb
231 def refresh
232   @_association_pks = nil
233   super
234 end