module Sequel::GraphEach

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/graph_each.rb


Public Instance

  1. each
  2. with_sql_each

Public Instance methods


Call graph_each for graphed datasets that are not being eager graphed.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/extensions/graph_each.rb
26 def each
27   if @opts[:graph] && !@opts[:eager_graph]
28     graph_each{|r| yield r}
29   else
30     super
31   end
32 end

Call graph_each for graphed datasets that are not being eager graphed.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/extensions/graph_each.rb
35 def with_sql_each(sql)
36   if @opts[:graph] && !@opts[:eager_graph]
37     graph_each(sql){|r| yield r}
38   else
39     super
40   end
41 end