
Last Update: 2017-06-01 08:42:54 -0700

Deprecated Features

  • Setting an invalid dataset for a model is now deprecated. Historically, Sequel has swallowed exceptions for this to keep backwards compatibility, but it generally just results in code breaking later. To allow invalid datasets to be used:

    Sequel::Model.require_valid_table = false
  • The association_autoreloading and many_to_one_pk_lookup plugins are now deprecated. They were moved from plugins to standard model behavior in Sequel 4.0, and have been no-ops since.

  • The pg_typecast_on_load plugin is now deprecated. It is only useful on the already deprecated do and swift adapters.

New Features

  • Database#with_server in the server_block extension now accepts an optional second argument for the read only server to use. This allows for overriding the default server while providing a separate default for read only queries:

    DB.with_server(:server1, :server1ro) do
      DB[:a].all       # Uses server1ro
      DB[:b].insert(1) # Uses server1
  • Model.default_association_type_options has been added, allowing the ability to set default options per association type. This can be used to make some association types read_only by default:

    opts = Sequel::Model.default_association_type_options
    opts[:one_to_many] = opts[:many_to_many] = {:read_only=>true}
  • Database#views on PostgreSQL now accepts a :materialized option to return materialized views instead of regular views.

Other Improvements

  • Setting Sequel::Model.require_valid_table = true no longer raises an exception when using a valid dataset that selects from a subquery or table returning function or uses a join.

  • The defaults_setter plugin now inherits any custom default values when subclassing.

  • The schema_dumper extension now handles Oracle 11g XE behavior of appending not null to the database type.

Backwards Compatibility

  • External callers of Database#check_non_connection_error (private method) should update their code to call it with a true or false argument specifying whether to raise an error for exceptions that are not connection errors.