
Last Update: 2014-01-07 21:09:24 -0800

New Features

  • Database#run and << now accept SQL::PlaceholderLiteralString objects, allowing you to more easily run arbitrary DDL queries with placeholders:

    DB.run Sequel.lit("CREATE TABLE ? (? integer)", :table, :column)
  • You can now provide options for check constraints by calling the constraint/add_constraint methods with a hash as the first argument. On PostgreSQL, you can now use the :not_valid option for check constraints, so they are enforced for inserts and updates, but not for existing rows.

    DB.create_table(:table) do
      constraint({:name=>:constraint_name, :not_valid=>true}) do
        column_name > 10
  • Dataset#stream has been added to the mysql2 adapter, and will have the dataset stream results if used with mysql2 0.3.12+. This allows you to process large datasets without keeping the entire dataset in memory.

    DB[:large_table].stream.each{|r| ...}
  • Database#error_info has been added to the postgres adapter. It is supported on PostgreSQL 9.3+ if pg-0.16.0+ is used as the underlying driver, and it gives you a hash of metadata related to the exception:

    DB[:table_name].insert(1) rescue DB.error_info($!)
    # => {:schema=>"public", :table=>"table_name", :column=>nil,
          :constraint=>"constraint_name", :type=>nil}
  • The :deferrable option is now supported when adding exclusion constraints on PostgreSQL, to allow setting up deferred exclusion constraints.

  • The :inherits option is now supported in Database#create_table on PostgreSQL, for table inheritance:

    DB.create_table(:t1, :inherits=>:t0){}
    # CREATE TABLE t1 () INHERITS (t0)
  • Dataset#replace and multi_replace are now supported on SQLite, just as they have been previously on MySQL.

  • In the jdbc adapter, Java::JavaUtil::HashMap objects are now converted to ruby Hash objects. This is to make it easier to handle the PostgreSQL hstore type when using the jdbc/postgres adapter.

  • The odbc adapter now supports a :drvconnect option that accepts an ODBC connection string that is passed to ruby-odbc verbatim.

Other Improvements

  • The prepared_statements plugin no longer breaks the instance_filters and update_primary_key plugins.

  • Dropping indexes for tables in a specific schema is now supported on PostgreSQL. Sequel now explicitly specifies the same schema as the table when dropping such indexes.

  • Calling Model#add_association methods with a primary key value now raises a Sequel::NoMatchingRow if there is no object in the associated table with that primary key. Previously, this situation was not handled and resulted in a NoMethodError being raised later.

  • When an invalid virtual row block function call is detected, an error is now properly raised. Previously, the error was not raised until the SQL was produced for the query.

Backwards Compatibility

  • The :driver option to the odbc adapter is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. It is thought to be broken, and users wanting to use DSN-less connections should use the new :drvconnect option.

  • The Postgres::ArrayOp#text_op private method has been removed.