class Sequel::MigrationReverser

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/migration.rb
Superclass: BasicObject

Handles the reversing of reversible migrations. Basically records supported methods calls, translates them to reversed calls, and returns them in reverse order.


Public Class

  1. new

Public Instance

  1. reverse

Public Class methods

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/migration.rb
181 def initialize
182   @actions = []
183 end

Public Instance methods


Reverse the actions for the given block. Takes the block given and returns a new block that reverses the actions taken by the given block.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/migration.rb
188 def reverse(&block)
189   begin
190     instance_exec(&block)
191   rescue
192     just_raise = true
193   end
194   if just_raise
195{raise Sequel::Error, "irreversible migration method used in #{block.source_location.first}, you may need to write your own down method"}
196   else
197     actions = @actions.reverse
198 do
199       actions.each do |a|
200         pr = a.last.is_a?(Proc) ? a.pop : nil
201         # Allow calling private methods as the reversing methods are private
202         send(*a, &pr)
203       end
204     end
205   end
206 end