module Sequel::Dataset::ArgumentMapper

  1. lib/sequel/dataset/prepared_statements.rb

Default implementation of the argument mapper to allow native database support for bind variables and prepared statements (as opposed to the emulated ones used by default).

Public Instance methods


The bind arguments to use for running this prepared statement

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/dataset/prepared_statements.rb
50 def bind_arguments
51   @opts[:bind_arguments]
52 end
call(bind_vars=OPTS, &block)

Set the bind arguments based on the hash and call super.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/dataset/prepared_statements.rb
55 def call(bind_vars=OPTS, &block)
56   sql = prepared_sql
57   prepared_args.freeze
58   ps = bind(bind_vars)
59   ps.clone(:bind_arguments=>ps.map_to_prepared_args(ps.opts[:bind_vars]), :sql=>sql, :prepared_sql=>sql).run(&block)
60 end

Override the given *_sql method based on the type, and cache the result of the sql.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/dataset/prepared_statements.rb
64 def prepared_sql
65   if sql = @opts[:prepared_sql] || cache_get(:_prepared_sql)
66     return sql
67   end
68   cache_set(:_prepared_sql, super)
69 end

The name of the prepared statement, if any.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/dataset/prepared_statements.rb
45 def prepared_statement_name
46   @opts[:prepared_statement_name]
47 end