module Sequel::Postgres::AutoParameterizeInArray

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/pg_auto_parameterize_in_array.rb

Enable automatically parameterizing queries.


Public Instance

  1. complex_expression_sql_append

Public Instance methods

complex_expression_sql_append(sql, op, args)

Transform column IN (…) expressions into column = ANY($) and column NOT IN (…) expressions into column != ALL($) using an array bound variable for the ANY/ALL argument, if all values inside the predicate are of the same type and the type is handled by the extension. This is the same optimization PostgreSQL performs internally, but this reduces the number of bound variables.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_auto_parameterize_in_array.rb
47 def complex_expression_sql_append(sql, op, args)
48   case op
49   when :IN, :"NOT IN"
50     l, r = args
51     if auto_param?(sql) && (type = _bound_variable_type_for_array(r))
52       if op == :IN 
53         op = :"="
54         func = :ANY
55       else
56         op = :!=
57         func = :ALL
58       end
59       args = [l, Sequel.function(func, Sequel.pg_array(r, type))]
60     end
61   end
63   super
64 end