module Sequel::Plugins::PgEagerAnyTypedArray::ClassMethods

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/pg_eager_any_typed_array.rb


TRANSFORM = proc do |values, ref| type = ref.send(:cached_fetch, :_pg_eager_any_typed_array_type) do key = ref.predicate_key next if key.is_a?(Array) while key.is_a?(SQL::QualifiedIdentifier) key = key.column end # :nocov: # many_to_pg_array association type does not need changes, as it # already converts the values to a typed postgres array, it does # not call the code that uses :eager_loading_predicate_transform. # # No association type that ships with Sequel can reach this code # unless it is one of these types, but external association types # could potentially reach it. sch = case ref[:type] # :nocov: when :many_to_one, :one_to_one, :one_to_many, :pg_array_to_many ref.associated_class.db_schema when :many_to_many, :one_through_one # Not compatible with the :join_table_db option, but that option # does not call into this code. Hash[ref.associated_class.db.schema(ref.join_table_source)] when :many_through_many, :one_through_many # Not compatible with the :separate_query_per_table option, but # that option does not call into this code. Hash[ref.associated_class.db.schema(ref[:through][0][:table])] end if sch && (sch = sch[key]) sch[:db_type] end end