module Sequel::Plugins::ColumnConflicts::ClassMethods

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/column_conflicts.rb


get_column_conflicts [R]

Hash for columns where the getter method already exists. keys are column symbols/strings that conflict with method names and should be looked up directly instead of calling a method, values are the column symbol to lookup in the values hash.

set_column_conflicts [R]

Hash for columns where the setter method already exists. keys are column symbols/strings suffixed with = that conflict with method names and should be set directly in the values hash, values are the column symbol to set in the values hash.

Public Instance methods


Compare the column names for the model with the methods defined on Sequel::Model, and automatically setup the column conflicts.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/plugins/column_conflicts.rb
62 def check_column_conflicts
63   mod = Sequel::Model
64   columns.find_all{|c| mod.method_defined?(c)}.each{|c| get_column_conflict!(c)}
65   columns.find_all{|c| mod.method_defined?("#{c}=")}.each{|c| set_column_conflict!(c)}
66 end

Freeze column conflict information when freezing model class.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/plugins/column_conflicts.rb
69 def freeze
70   @get_column_conflicts.freeze
71   @set_column_conflicts.freeze
73   super
74 end

Set the given column as one with a getter method conflict.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/plugins/column_conflicts.rb
77 def get_column_conflict!(column)
78   @get_column_conflicts[column.to_sym] = @get_column_conflicts[column.to_s] = column.to_sym
79 end

Set the given column as one with a setter method conflict.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/plugins/column_conflicts.rb
82 def set_column_conflict!(column)
83   @set_column_conflicts[:"#{column}="] = @set_column_conflicts["#{column}="] = column.to_sym
84 end