module Sequel::DatasetPagination

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/pagination.rb


Public Instance

  1. each_page
  2. paginate

Public Instance methods


Yields a paginated dataset for each page and returns the receiver. Does a count to find the total number of records for this dataset. Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/extensions/pagination.rb
55 def each_page(page_size)
56   raise(Error, "You cannot paginate a dataset that already has a limit") if @opts[:limit]
57   return to_enum(:each_page, page_size) unless defined?(yield)
58   record_count = count
59   total_pages = (record_count / page_size.to_f).ceil
60   (1..total_pages).each{|page_no| yield paginate(page_no, page_size, record_count)}
61   self
62 end
paginate(page_no, page_size, record_count=nil)

Returns a paginated dataset. The returned dataset is limited to the page size at the correct offset, and extended with the Pagination module. If a record count is not provided, does a count of total number of records for this dataset.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/extensions/pagination.rb
40 def paginate(page_no, page_size, record_count=nil)
41   raise(Error, "You cannot paginate a dataset that already has a limit") if @opts[:limit]
43   record_count ||= count
44   page_count = (record_count / page_size.to_f).ceil
45   page_count = 1 if page_count == 0
47   limit(page_size, (page_no - 1) * page_size).
48     with_extend(Dataset::Pagination).
49     clone(:page_size=>page_size, :current_page=>page_no, :pagination_record_count=>record_count, :page_count=>page_count)
50 end