module Database::RunTransactionHooks

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/run_transaction_hooks.rb

Public Instance methods


Run all savepoint and transaction after_commit hooks for the current transaction, and remove the hooks after running them. Options:


The server/shard to use.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/extensions/run_transaction_hooks.rb
34 def run_after_commit_hooks(opts=OPTS)
35   _run_transaction_hooks(:after_commit, opts)
36 end

Run all savepoint and transaction after_rollback hooks for the current transaction, and remove the hooks after running them. Options:


The server/shard to use.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/extensions/run_transaction_hooks.rb
42 def run_after_rollback_hooks(opts=OPTS)
43   _run_transaction_hooks(:after_rollback, opts)
44 end