class Sequel::Postgres::CreateTableGenerator

  1. lib/sequel/adapters/shared/postgres.rb
Superclass: Sequel::Schema::CreateTableGenerator


Public Instance

  1. exclude

Public Instance methods

exclude(elements, opts=OPTS)

Add an exclusion constraint when creating the table. Elements should be an array of 2 element arrays, with the first element being the column or expression the exclusion constraint is applied to, and the second element being the operator to use for the column/expression to check for exclusion:

exclude([[:col1, '&&'], [:col2, '=']])
# EXCLUDE USING gist (col1 WITH &&, col2 WITH =)

To use a custom operator class, you need to use Sequel.lit with the expression and operator class:

exclude([[Sequel.lit('col1 inet_ops'), '&&'], [:col2, '=']])
# EXCLUDE USING gist (col1 inet_ops WITH &&, col2 WITH =)

Options supported:


Name the constraint with the given name (useful if you may need to drop the constraint later)


Override the index_method for the exclusion constraint (defaults to gist).


Create a partial exclusion constraint, which only affects a subset of table rows, value should be a filter expression.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/shared/postgres.rb
132 def exclude(elements, opts=OPTS)
133   constraints << {:type => :exclude, :elements => elements}.merge!(opts)
134 end