class Sequel::Mysql2::Database

  1. lib/sequel/adapters/mysql2.rb
Superclass: Sequel::Database


convert_tinyint_to_bool [RW]

Whether to convert tinyint columns to bool for this database

Public Instance methods


Connect to the database. In addition to the usual database options, the following options have effect:


Set to true to use MySQL default behavior of having a filter for an autoincrement column equals NULL to return the last inserted row.


Same as :encoding (:encoding takes precendence)


Set all the related character sets for this connection (connection, client, database, server, and results).

The options hash is also passed to mysql2, and can include mysql2 options such as :local_infile.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/mysql2.rb
37 def connect(server)
38   opts = server_opts(server)
39   opts[:username] ||= opts.delete(:user)
40   opts[:flags] ||= 0
41   opts[:flags] |= ::Mysql2::Client::FOUND_ROWS if ::Mysql2::Client.const_defined?(:FOUND_ROWS)
42   opts[:encoding] ||= opts[:charset]
43   conn =
44   conn.query_options.merge!(:symbolize_keys=>true, :cache_rows=>false)
46   if NativePreparedStatements
47     conn.instance_variable_set(:@sequel_default_query_options, conn.query_options.dup)
48   end
50   sqls = mysql_connection_setting_sqls
52   # Set encoding a slightly different way after connecting,
53   # in case the READ_DEFAULT_GROUP overrode the provided encoding.
54   # Doesn't work across implicit reconnects, but Sequel doesn't turn on
55   # that feature.
56   if encoding = opts[:encoding]
57     sqls.unshift("SET NAMES #{conn.escape(encoding.to_s)}")
58   end
60   sqls.each{|sql| log_connection_yield(sql, conn){conn.query(sql)}}
62   add_prepared_statements_cache(conn)
63   conn
64 end
execute_dui(sql, opts=OPTS)
[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/mysql2.rb
66 def execute_dui(sql, opts=OPTS)
67   execute(sql, opts){|c| return c.affected_rows}
68 end
execute_insert(sql, opts=OPTS)
[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/mysql2.rb
70 def execute_insert(sql, opts=OPTS)
71   execute(sql, opts){|c| return c.last_id}
72 end
[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/mysql2.rb
74 def freeze
75   server_version
76   super
77 end

Return the version of the MySQL server to which we are connecting.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/mysql2.rb
80 def server_version(_server=nil)
81   @server_version ||= super()
82 end