class Sequel::MySQL::Database

  1. lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb
Superclass: Sequel::Database


conversion_procs [R]

Hash of conversion procs for the current database

convert_invalid_date_time [R]

By default, Sequel raises an exception if in invalid date or time is used. However, if this is set to nil or :nil, the adapter treats dates like 0000-00-00 and times like 838:00:00 as nil values. If set to :string, it returns the strings as is.

convert_tinyint_to_bool [R]

Whether to convert tinyint columns to bool for the current database

Public Instance methods


Connect to the database. In addition to the usual database options, the following options have effect:


Set to true to use MySQL default behavior of having a filter for an autoincrement column equals NULL to return the last inserted row.


Same as :encoding (:encoding takes precendence)


Set to false to not compress results from the server


The default group to read from the in the MySQL config file.


If provided, sets the Mysql::OPT_LOCAL_INFILE option on the connection with the given value.


Set the timeout in seconds before a connection attempt is abandoned.


Set all the related character sets for this connection (connection, client, database, server, and results).


Set the timeout in seconds for reading back results to a query.


Use a unix socket file instead of connecting via TCP/IP.


Set the timeout in seconds before the server will disconnect this connection (a.k.a @@wait_timeout).

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb
 87 def connect(server)
 88   opts = server_opts(server)
 90   if !RUBY_MYSQL_3
 91     conn = Mysql.init
 92     conn.options(Mysql::READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, opts[:config_default_group] || "client")
 93     conn.options(Mysql::OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, opts[:config_local_infile]) if opts.has_key?(:config_local_infile)
 94     if encoding = opts[:encoding] || opts[:charset]
 95       # Set encoding before connecting so that the mysql driver knows what
 96       # encoding we want to use, but this can be overridden by READ_DEFAULT_GROUP.
 97       conn.options(Mysql::SET_CHARSET_NAME, encoding)
 98     end
 99     if read_timeout = opts[:read_timeout] and defined? Mysql::OPT_READ_TIMEOUT
100       conn.options(Mysql::OPT_READ_TIMEOUT, read_timeout)
101     end
102     if connect_timeout = opts[:connect_timeout] and defined? Mysql::OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
103       conn.options(Mysql::OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, connect_timeout)
104     end
105   else
106     # ruby-mysql 3+ API
107     conn =
108     # no support for default group
109     conn.local_infile = opts[:config_local_infile] if opts.has_key?(:config_local_infile)
110     if encoding = opts[:encoding] || opts[:charset]
111       conn.charset = encoding
112     end
113     if read_timeout = opts[:read_timeout]
114       conn.read_timeout = read_timeout
115     end
116     if connect_timeout = opts[:connect_timeout]
117       conn.connect_timeout = connect_timeout
118     end
119     opts[:compress] = false
120   end
122   conn.ssl_set(opts[:sslkey], opts[:sslcert], opts[:sslca], opts[:sslcapath], opts[:sslcipher]) if opts[:sslca] || opts[:sslkey]
123   conn.real_connect(
124     opts[:host] || 'localhost',
125     opts[:user],
126     opts[:password],
127     opts[:database],
128     (opts[:port].to_i if opts[:port]),
129     opts[:socket],
132     (opts[:compress] == false ? 0 : Mysql::CLIENT_COMPRESS)
133   )
134   sqls = mysql_connection_setting_sqls
136   # Set encoding a slightly different way after connecting,
137   # in case the READ_DEFAULT_GROUP overrode the provided encoding.
138   # Doesn't work across implicit reconnects, but Sequel doesn't turn on
139   # that feature.
140   sqls.unshift("SET NAMES #{literal(encoding.to_s)}") if encoding
142   sqls.each{|sql| log_connection_yield(sql, conn){conn.query(sql)}}
144   add_prepared_statements_cache(conn)
145   conn
146 end

Modify the type translators for the date, time, and timestamp types depending on the value given.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb
156 def convert_invalid_date_time=(v)
157   m0 = ::Sequel.method(:string_to_time)
158   @conversion_procs[11] = (v != false) ?  lambda{|val| convert_date_time(val, &m0)} : m0
159   m1 = ::Sequel.method(:string_to_date) 
160   m = (v != false) ? lambda{|val| convert_date_time(val, &m1)} : m1
161   [10, 14].each{|i| @conversion_procs[i] = m}
162   m2 = method(:to_application_timestamp)
163   m = (v != false) ? lambda{|val| convert_date_time(val, &m2)} : m2
164   [7, 12].each{|i| @conversion_procs[i] = m}
165   @convert_invalid_date_time = v
166 end

Modify the type translator used for the tinyint type based on the value given.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb
170 def convert_tinyint_to_bool=(v)
172   @convert_tinyint_to_bool = v
173 end
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb
148 def disconnect_connection(c)
149   c.close
150 rescue Mysql::Error
151   nil
152 end
execute_dui(sql, opts=OPTS)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb
175 def execute_dui(sql, opts=OPTS)
176   execute(sql, opts){|c| return affected_rows(c)}
177 end
execute_insert(sql, opts=OPTS)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb
179 def execute_insert(sql, opts=OPTS)
180   execute(sql, opts){|c| return c.insert_id}
181 end
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb
183 def freeze
184   server_version
185   @conversion_procs.freeze
186   super
187 end