module Sequel::MSSQL::DatabaseMethods

  1. lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mssql.rb


DATABASE_ERROR_REGEXPS = { /Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint|(Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint.+)?Cannot insert duplicate key/ => UniqueConstraintViolation, /conflicted with the (FOREIGN KEY.*|REFERENCE) constraint/ => ForeignKeyConstraintViolation, /conflicted with the CHECK constraint/ => CheckConstraintViolation, /column does not allow nulls/ => NotNullConstraintViolation, /was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim/ => SerializationFailure, /Lock request time out period exceeded\./ => DatabaseLockTimeout, }.freeze  
FOREIGN_KEY_ACTION_MAP = {0 => :no_action, 1 => :cascade, 2 => :set_null, 3 => :set_default}.freeze  


like_without_collate [RW]

Whether to use LIKE without COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS. Skipping the COLLATE can significantly increase performance in some cases.

mssql_unicode_strings [RW]

Whether to use N” to quote strings, which allows unicode characters inside the strings. True by default for compatibility, can be set to false for a possible performance increase. This sets the default for all datasets created from this Database object.

Public Instance methods

call_mssql_sproc(name, opts=OPTS)

Execute the given stored procedure with the given name.



Arguments to stored procedure. For named arguments, this should be a hash keyed by argument name. For unnamed arguments, this should be an array. Output parameters to the function are specified using :output. You can also name output parameters and provide a type by using an array containing :output, the type name, and the parameter name.


The server/shard on which to execute the procedure.

This method returns a single hash with the following keys:


The result code of the stored procedure


The number of rows affected by the stored procedure

output params

Values for any output paramters, using the name given for the output parameter

Because Sequel datasets only support a single result set per query, and retrieving the result code and number of rows requires a query, this does not support stored procedures which also return result sets. To handle such stored procedures, you should drop down to the connection/driver level by using Sequel::Database#synchronize to get access to the underlying connection object.


DB.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {args: ['input arg', :output]})
DB.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {args: ['input arg', [:output, 'int', 'varname']]})

named params:
DB.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, args: {
  'input_arg1_name' => 'input arg1 value',
  'input_arg2_name' => 'input arg2 value',
  'output_arg_name' => [:output, 'int', 'varname']
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mssql.rb
 64 def call_mssql_sproc(name, opts=OPTS)
 65   args = opts[:args] || []
 66   names = ['@RC AS RESULT', '@@ROWCOUNT AS NUMROWS']
 67   declarations = ['@RC int']
 68   values = []
 70   if args.is_a?(Hash)
 71     named_args = true
 72     args = args.to_a
 73     method = :each
 74   else
 75     method = :each_with_index
 76   end
 78   args.public_send(method) do |v, i|
 79     if named_args
 80       k = v
 81       v, type, select = i
 82       raise Error, "must provide output parameter name when using output parameters with named arguments" if v == :output && !select
 83     else
 84       v, type, select = v
 85     end
 87     if v == :output
 88       type ||= "nvarchar(max)"
 89       if named_args
 90         varname = select
 91       else
 92         varname = "var#{i}"
 93         select ||= varname
 94       end
 95       names << "@#{varname} AS #{quote_identifier(select)}"
 96       declarations << "@#{varname} #{type}"
 97       value = "@#{varname} OUTPUT"
 98     else
 99       value = literal(v)
100     end
102     if named_args
103       value = "@#{k}=#{value}"
104     end
106     values << value
107   end
109   sql = "DECLARE #{declarations.join(', ')}; EXECUTE @RC = #{name} #{values.join(', ')}; SELECT #{names.join(', ')}"
111   ds = dataset.with_sql(sql)
112   ds = ds.server(opts[:server]) if opts[:server]
113   ds.first
114 end
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mssql.rb
116 def database_type
117   :mssql
118 end
foreign_key_list(table, opts=OPTS)

Return foreign key information using the system views, including :name, :on_delete, and :on_update entries in the hashes.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mssql.rb
127 def foreign_key_list(table, opts=OPTS)
128   m = output_identifier_meth
129   im = input_identifier_meth
130   schema, table = schema_and_table(table)
131   current_schema ='schema_name')))
132   fk_action_map = FOREIGN_KEY_ACTION_MAP
133   fk = Sequel[:fk]
134   fkc = Sequel[:fkc]
135   ds = metadata_dataset.from(Sequel.lit('[sys].[foreign_keys]').as(:fk)).
136     join(Sequel.lit('[sys].[foreign_key_columns]').as(:fkc), :constraint_object_id => :object_id).
137     join(Sequel.lit('[sys].[all_columns]').as(:pc), :object_id => fkc[:parent_object_id],     :column_id => fkc[:parent_column_id]).
138     join(Sequel.lit('[sys].[all_columns]').as(:rc), :object_id => fkc[:referenced_object_id], :column_id => fkc[:referenced_column_id]).
139     where{{object_schema_name(fk[:parent_object_id]) => || current_schema)}}.
140     where{{object_name(fk[:parent_object_id]) =>}}.
141     select{[fk[:name], 
142             fk[:delete_referential_action], 
143             fk[:update_referential_action], 
144             pc[:name].as(:column), 
145             rc[:name].as(:referenced_column), 
146             object_schema_name(fk[:referenced_object_id]).as(:schema), 
147             object_name(fk[:referenced_object_id]).as(:table)]}.
148     order(fk[:name], fkc[:constraint_column_id])
149   h = {}
150   ds.each do |row|
151     if r = h[row[:name]]
152       r[:columns] <<[:column])
153       r[:key] <<[:referenced_column])
154     else
155       referenced_schema =[:schema])
156       referenced_table =[:table])
157       h[row[:name]] = { :name      =>[:name]), 
158                         :table     => (referenced_schema == current_schema) ? referenced_table : Sequel.qualify(referenced_schema, referenced_table),
159                         :columns   => [[:column])], 
160                         :key       => [[:referenced_column])], 
161                         :on_update => fk_action_map[row[:update_referential_action]], 
162                         :on_delete => fk_action_map[row[:delete_referential_action]] }
163     end
164   end
165   h.values
166 end
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mssql.rb
168 def freeze
169   server_version
170   super
171 end

Microsoft SQL Server namespaces indexes per table.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mssql.rb
121 def global_index_namespace?
122   false
123 end
indexes(table, opts=OPTS)

Use the system tables to get index information

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mssql.rb
174 def indexes(table, opts=OPTS)
175   m = output_identifier_meth
176   im = input_identifier_meth
177   indexes = {}
178   table = table.value if table.is_a?(Sequel::SQL::Identifier)
179   i = Sequel[:i]
180   ds = metadata_dataset.from(Sequel.lit('[sys].[tables]').as(:t)).
181    join(Sequel.lit('[sys].[indexes]').as(:i), :object_id=>:object_id).
182    join(Sequel.lit('[sys].[index_columns]').as(:ic), :object_id=>:object_id, :index_id=>:index_id).
183    join(Sequel.lit('[sys].[columns]').as(:c), :object_id=>:object_id, :column_id=>:column_id).
184    select(i[:name], i[:is_unique], Sequel[:c][:name].as(:column)).
185    where{{t[:name]=>}}.
186    where(i[:is_primary_key]=>0, i[:is_disabled]=>0).
187    order(i[:name], Sequel[:ic][:index_column_id])
189   if supports_partial_indexes?
190     ds = ds.where(i[:has_filter]=>0)
191   end
193   ds.each do |r|
194     index = indexes[[:name])] ||= {:columns=>[], :unique=>(r[:is_unique] && r[:is_unique]!=0)}
195     index[:columns] <<[:column])
196   end
197   indexes
198 end

The version of the MSSQL server, as an integer (e.g. 10001600 for SQL Server 2008 Express).

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mssql.rb
202 def server_version(server=nil)
203   return @server_version if @server_version
204   if @opts[:server_version]
205     return @server_version = Integer(@opts[:server_version])
206   end
207   @server_version = synchronize(server) do |conn|
208     (conn.server_version rescue nil) if conn.respond_to?(:server_version)
209   end
210   unless @server_version
211     m = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/.match(fetch("SELECT CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS varchar)").single_value.to_s)
212     @server_version = (m[1].to_i * 1000000) + (m[2].to_i * 10000) + m[3].to_i
213   end
214   @server_version
215 end

MSSQL 2008+ supports partial indexes.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mssql.rb
218 def supports_partial_indexes?
219   dataset.send(:is_2008_or_later?)
220 end

MSSQL supports savepoints, though it doesn’t support releasing them

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mssql.rb
223 def supports_savepoints?
224   true
225 end

MSSQL supports transaction isolation levels

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mssql.rb
228 def supports_transaction_isolation_levels?
229   true
230 end

MSSQL supports transaction DDL statements.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mssql.rb
233 def supports_transactional_ddl?
234   true
235 end

Microsoft SQL Server supports using the INFORMATION_SCHEMA to get information on tables.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mssql.rb
239 def tables(opts=OPTS)
240   information_schema_tables('BASE TABLE', opts)
241 end

Microsoft SQL Server supports using the INFORMATION_SCHEMA to get information on views.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mssql.rb
245 def views(opts=OPTS)
246   information_schema_tables('VIEW', opts)
247 end
with_advisory_lock(lock_id, opts=OPTS)

Attempt to acquire an exclusive advisory lock with the given lock_id (which will be converted to a string). If successful, yield to the block, then release the advisory lock when the block exits. If unsuccessful, raise a Sequel::AdvisoryLockError.



Do not raise an error, instead, wait until the advisory lock can be acquired.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/shared/mssql.rb
255 def with_advisory_lock(lock_id, opts=OPTS)
256   lock_id = lock_id.to_s
257   timeout = opts[:wait] ? -1 : 0
258   server = opts[:server]
260   synchronize(server) do
261     begin
262       res = call_mssql_sproc(:sp_getapplock, :server=>server, :args=>{'Resource'=>lock_id, 'LockTimeout'=>timeout, 'LockMode'=>'Exclusive', 'LockOwner'=>'Session'})
264       unless locked = res[:result] >= 0
265           raise AdvisoryLockError, "unable to acquire advisory lock #{lock_id.inspect}"
266       end
268       yield
269     ensure
270       if locked
271         call_mssql_sproc(:sp_releaseapplock, :server=>server, :args=>{'Resource'=>lock_id, 'LockOwner'=>'Session'})
272       end
273     end
274   end
275 end