class Sequel::IBMDB::Connection

  1. lib/sequel/adapters/ibmdb.rb
Superclass: Object

Wraps an underlying connection to DB2 using IBM_DB, to provide a more rubyish API.

Classes and Modules

  1. Sequel::IBMDB::Connection::Error


prepared_statements [R]

A hash with prepared statement name symbol keys, where each value is a two element array with an sql string and cached Statement value.

Public Class methods


Create the underlying IBM_DB connection.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/ibmdb.rb
41 def initialize(connection_param)
42   @conn = if connection_param.class == String
43     IBM_DB.connect(connection_param, '', '')
44   else  # connect using catalog
45     IBM_DB.connect(*connection_param)
46   end
48   self.autocommit = true
49   @prepared_statements = {}
50 end

Public Instance methods


Check whether the connection is in autocommit state or not.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/ibmdb.rb
53 def autocommit
54   IBM_DB.autocommit(@conn) == 1
55 end

Turn autocommit on or off for the connection.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/ibmdb.rb
58 def autocommit=(value)
59   IBM_DB.autocommit(@conn, value ? IBM_DB::SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_ON : IBM_DB::SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF)
60 end

Close the connection, disconnecting from DB2.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/ibmdb.rb
63 def close
64   IBM_DB.close(@conn)
65 end

Commit the currently outstanding transaction on this connection.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/ibmdb.rb
68 def commit
69   IBM_DB.commit(@conn)
70 end

Return the related error message for the connection.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/ibmdb.rb
73 def error_msg
74   IBM_DB.getErrormsg(@conn, IBM_DB::DB_CONN)
75 end

Return the related error message for the connection.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/ibmdb.rb
78 def error_sqlstate
79   IBM_DB.getErrorstate(@conn, IBM_DB::DB_CONN)
80 end

Execute the given SQL on the database, and return a Statement instance holding the results.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/ibmdb.rb
84 def execute(sql)
85   stmt = IBM_DB.exec(@conn, sql)
86   raise, error_sqlstate) unless stmt
88 end
execute_prepared(ps_name, *values)

Execute the related prepared statement on the database with the given arguments.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/ibmdb.rb
92 def execute_prepared(ps_name, *values)
93   stmt = @prepared_statements[ps_name].last
94   res = stmt.execute(*values)
95   unless res
96     raise"Error executing statement #{ps_name}: #{error_msg}", error_sqlstate)
97   end
98   stmt
99 end
prepare(sql, ps_name)

Prepare a statement with the given sql on the database, and cache the prepared statement value by name.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/ibmdb.rb
103 def prepare(sql, ps_name)
104   if stmt = IBM_DB.prepare(@conn, sql)
105     ps_name = ps_name.to_sym
106     stmt =
107     @prepared_statements[ps_name] = [sql, stmt]
108   else
109     err = error_msg
110     err = "Error preparing #{ps_name} with SQL: #{sql}" if error_msg.nil? || error_msg.empty?
111     raise, error_sqlstate)
112   end
113 end

Rollback the currently outstanding transaction on this connection.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/adapters/ibmdb.rb
116 def rollback
117   IBM_DB.rollback(@conn)
118 end