module Sequel::Dataset::StoredProcedures

  1. lib/sequel/adapters/utils/stored_procedures.rb


Public Instance

  1. call_sproc
  2. prepare_sproc

Public Instance methods

call_sproc(type, name, *args)

For the given type (:select, :first, :insert, :update, or :delete), run the database stored procedure with the given name with the given arguments.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/utils/stored_procedures.rb
43 def call_sproc(type, name, *args)
44   prepare_sproc(type, name).call(*args)
45 end
prepare_sproc(type, name)

Transform this dataset into a stored procedure that you can call multiple times with new arguments.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/adapters/utils/stored_procedures.rb
49 def prepare_sproc(type, name)
50   prepare_extend_sproc(self).clone(:sproc_type=>type, :sproc_name=>name, :sql=>'')
51 end